• Software
  • Man... Sonar died to me quickly (p.3)
2018/01/14 16:43:30
Azlow, honestly the only way i got sonar to work in a way that was not totally frustrating was with your software. With studio one i have used 5 different controllers easily with minimal setup.

How's this for minimal setup...
Buy FaderPort 8
Unbox it
Plug in USB cable
Plug in power cord
Turn it on
Start S1
...and there you go. It works. The depth of integration between the two is amazing. At first I was skeptical about not having "pan knobs" for every channel but after using it for a couple weeks now I'm glad it doesn't because if it did I wouldn't be able to afford it and I have never thought to myself "dang I wish there was a knob on every channel."
I think I am going to buy an original Fader Port so I can always have a main fader and remote transport control. The lack of a dedicated main fader is my only "gripe" and it's really not that big a deal to me... again it kept the cost down.
I cut my teeth on analog consoles and outboard gear and then went from a Roland VS-2480 (and 1680 and 880 before that) to SONAR when my hardware finally died and the lack of an affordable, deeply-integrated control surface always bothered me every time I used SONAR. Now I feel like I have that back and the workflow is working GREAT for me. I feel "at home" again. I am finding I am tracking and mixing songs much faster with my S1-FP8 combo than I ever have before and it's only been about 6 weeks since I made the switch.  Of course, I am still learning how to do things as they come up but so far it's  been a great experience!
2018/01/14 17:22:07
Jeff Evans

2) Loop Midi takes handlng : i simply cannot record overdub in takes that get mixed in playback , you cannot edit those takes like clips ... (Time impact : BIG)

Zo is doing something very wrong here. Loop midi recording is where Studio One really excels and it is way better than Sonar in this regard.  You need Record Mix on for a start. You need to expose the record panel which gives you options. Sounds like he has not even found that.
Studio One can record midi while in loop mode. Yes it can record those takes to layers for each loop but you can switch this off as well and just keep adding midi data into a single take.  Not only that you can have several external midi or virtual instruments set up all at the same time and jump the midi tracks while in record and looping. Now Sonar falls over when you try this.  This is a revelation for me. One of the main reasons I use it.  As you jump tracks midi data is just added in on the track you land on. 
You can also jump out of record and rehearse and then jump back in as well.  This is really quite exceptional.  But the way Studio One also handles midi timing, the timing is faithfully recorded right down to the the most subtle of playing. Something many DAW's actually don't handle well either.
It's too easy to keep rabbiting on about the stuff Studio One cannot do but very easy to overlook the stuff it kills other DAW's at. The way it records and handles midi timing is one area where it is way out front.  Probably a bit too subtle for some to even notice I guess.  Some of the higher profile users are using it for this exact reason.
After using Studio One for 6 years now when I go back into Sonar for any reason it just feels terrible and clunky and horrible. This is something many here have not experienced yet.  Because they have only used it for 5 minutes and have got no idea.  But as a long term user you really notice this. 

Jeff i spent a LOT of time invetigating about my stuff , and tried every recirding options , watched videos , to finally have the confirmation on the s1 forum that i cannot do i what i wanted to do in studio one ...so please tell me i m wrong and show how to achieve it !!

Basically here s how i record my drum loops ezd drummer for exemple for exemple in sonar

1) i put myself in loop mode
2) i records kick +snare
3) disengage recording , listen to the groove
4) engage recording and record Hh , disengage
5) 4 bars of Hh i like bar 1 and 4 , i cut 2 and 3 , edit , copy past , and bounce to clip the new Hh
6) at this step i have to takes layers
7) i record tom ect ...same

Once done i can listen to all my takes speratily or mixed to get and decide to bounce to ine final clip

In studio one it impossible to have this workflow , i handles takes created like audio ones , and their editing also ...

I want layers , and all audible at the same time , ...simple as that ... s1 proposes layers or mix in one layers not layers and all mixed
2018/01/14 17:38:23
Bloated, pregnant AND dead! Maybe I'll have something other than tuna for lunch today.
2018/01/14 23:24:00
Jeff Evans
Hi Zo. OK I see what you are wanting to do. Yes you can do it in Studio One but in a different way. Firstly I would switch OFF takes to layers because you cannot hear all the layers at once. Simply create one part and record all your stuff into a single part using Record Mix.
Once done there, simply select the part with all the parts in it and select explode pitches to tracks.  It then will split all the parts out to separate tracks in one hit. You will now still hear everything at once but will have total control for each part.
Not the same as Sonar I agree but the end result still the same though. 
2018/01/15 02:22:15
This is what I tried to explain to him on the Beyond Cakewalk forums, it can be done (unless I am missing something . . .  I work differently), but I gave up trying to tell people that you can actually do things in Studio One that people are saying can't be done, they will either work it out for themselves or they wont, no skin off my nose. Now I'm just happy to let it all slide and enjoy Studio One myself as I have done for the last 2 1/2 years. I know how to do everything I need to do (and more) and it's an absolute breeze in Studio One.
[edit] this is not to say Studio One can do everything (no DAW can), and everything as easy as other products. But I would say for most things yes it can, and generally much quicker and easier, but I wouldn't say 'everything'. For me I can do everything I need much easier and faster in Studio One than I ever could in SONAR, and without all the frustration.
[edit2] No DAW can do everything, not even the mighty SONAR, and no DAW can do everything another DAW does, there are many things that Studio One, 'Insert other DAW here' can do that SONAR can't, and most certainly not as easy as the others. If you want other DAWs to work like SONAR, you may as well use SONAR, you're missing the point. Changing to something new you have to let go of your preconcieved ideas, let go of the way you think things 'should be done' or you are going to have a battle on your hands. Clear your head of the 'SONAR' way, learn the new way, or just keep using SONAR.
The task in question, and the method describe to me is a lot of who haa, I'd do it a completely different way, which is much quicker and easier, far more intuative, and in the end the results would be the same. To me the method in question is just making things harder, creating more work, but then we all work differently.
I just hope with all the SONAR refugees coming across to Studio One, that Studio One doesn't turn into StuNAR, it's fair enough if Studio One takes on some feature requests from SONAR refugees, but I hope PreSonus for the most part continues on it's own way, I certainly wouldn't want Studio One SONARised, or the forums ending up like these forums full of fanatics and fanbois, zealots and users blindly following life according to Cakewalk, I'd be out of there like a shot . . . and hello REAPER
2018/01/15 11:39:12
Thks Jeff yep this what i do but it does feet my style since if i want to edit a take i have to explode first ect ...for now i simply edit via piano roll in this mix mod ... like i told you i m back like when sonar didn t had takes lol ...no big deal ...but this way was super convenient and fast ...again i do think studio one takes system is exellent and optimised for audio editing ...
2018/01/15 11:53:53
@Matron ....don t take it to personnal my friend ... the workflow i m explaining is the typical old school overdub beat maker flow ... even on a real drum maschine like an 808 , you edit sound per sound like virtual layers , i grew up with this ...

The sonar way to do it is just the right way to do it , i m not in the debate of witch daw is the best .... i simply statred a projects and pointed out stuff that gets on my way ...simple as that , i found workarounds for some stuff , and none for other(x ray , docking ect) but i m also aware that the time i loose here , i can gain it in other areas ....

I have studio one since it was out , the french distributors asked me to test it and report , i immediatly saw the potential and said that it lacks maturity , but i was impressed by the amount of great stuff already there fir a 1.0 thingy ...

Other the years i systematicaly said to my student , for producer , to consider studio one since it s exellent , crossplatform and the team behind is one of the more reactif in the market as cakewalk was ...compared to let s say steinberg guyz that are super slow (but serious also)

What i m trying to say is that i have the feeling that certains guyz around sees my remarks as bashing , while i m already slowly switching to S1 .... some stuff are just no there ( no big deal ) some stuff should be there (big deal) and some new stuff are bonus versus what i was used to (great !!) .... it s just that i post about the "some stuff should be there" quite in priority witch is just to give that marker to the dev team ...asking for a console in 2017 to have levels , customisation of ranges , types , phase and gain ...i consider it must ...

Notice for exemple for the meters that i pointed out this at presonus forum and not at waveform , why ? Because we re supposedd to go from production to straight mastering in S1 , and it capable to be solid from the start to the end ...my only concern is to try to make this thing better ....

If you guyz recall well i was even more no joke with cakewalk , witch wasn t a lack of ....LOVE ... lol

Peace all , by the way happy new year , health and peace of minds ...

2018/01/15 22:32:55
Jeff Evans
Hey Zo!. Yes for now I think the workaround is to record your midi parts into a single part but use Mix mode. Then even before editing do the explode pitches to tracks and then edit in the separate parts.
Keep an eye out though on the V4 update to come. Many have requested something similar for audio in that hearing layers or certain layers while overdubbing into new layers eg similar to the Sound On Sound mode in Sonar. (although there is also a workaround for this in Studio One)
What often happens is that anything the audio editing side of the program can do is often duplicated over to the midi editing side.
2018/01/15 22:54:53
Jeff Evans
explode pitches to tracks and then edit in the separate parts.

I discovered that explode pitches trick last year when I was dabbling with Studio One Prime, in regards to a MIDI pattern for drums.  It is a quick way to separate a MIDI drum track where all kit pieces have been recorded onto one track.  That quickly separates all the kit pieces to their own tracks!  Nice!
2018/01/15 23:54:58
Good news Jeff ....

By the way as i continue my journey in a serious project , reaching the post prod stage , several questions :

1) Is there a way to copy Track names to clips (like in sonar)
2) when you right click on a clip you have the property page opened , is there this page constantly opened (not the ispector) with the ability to go to next track withing ths page for fast editing (like in protools )
3) Mixing scenes , if we close the track inspector (the console ones) it disapear, it will be great to be able to have that list even with track list opened witch leads me to the question : any shortcuts
customistaion to call those scenes ?
4) is there a way to minimise maximise channels in the console view but independatly ?

Need to dig now in the structure goodies workflow that makes S1 as heard enjoyable in this area !!

Thks friends
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