As much as I would like Sonar for Linux (and have the Bakers come up with their own distro to run Sonar on) your post seems to be filled with a lot of rumor, speculation and errors. I'll be doing what I did when Win 8 came out and it looked like a turd.... I kept my DAW on Win 7. I doubt Sonar is going to drop Win7 support any time soon (nor Win8) so there is plenty of time to see what 10 will bring to the table.
Essentially... don't spazz out and buy into the internet fueled doomsday speculations. MS can be dum dum jerks but they're in it to make money. They aren't going to completely p*ss off the bulk of their user base and lose them to Apple who have become a serious threat in the past decade.
If anything the massive scramble they did to release Win 8.1 to calm the torch and pitchfork crowd is a pretty good sign that if they screw up 10 they'll fix it. I have high hopes for 10. 8 seemed to be their usual "experimental" release they do in between the wicked awesome releases.
I could be wrong but I will leave my panties unsoiled until we have some hard facts. Even then... my DAW works on 7 so if need be I can just lock it down on a solid image and keep working. If worse comes to worse I'm learning more about Linux and the audio options for Linux are growing so by the time this could even maybe sort of potentially become a problem for me then that stuff should be mature.
aaaand of course there is always Mac... which if audio people get too fed up with MS the Bakers would likely port to (and may be already now that Gibson is involved and investing in the product).
However apparently there was an MS rep at some fancy audio show recently that Mr. Anderton and some of the Bakers attended pushing the audio capabilities of 10 so they aren't ignoring us.
In the meantime...
/panties unsoiled