With the RME Fireface 802 i get roundtip bellow 10ms even with USB.
The problem in maintaining small buffers for that (like 64 buffer sizer) is having a machine that won´t spike with DPC latency, small buffers + spikes = audio crackle and even audio engine stop in extreme spikes.
With Apple stuff you get usually acceptable dpc values in a STOCK system (200 to 500 dpc), they have limited hardware so it´s a lot easier for apple to keep the drivers under control. With Windows sometimes a full stock system will have 4000 dpc spikes from some random hardware driver, acpi or whatever and so on...
The thing is, with Windows it´s VERY VERY easy to tune and get dpc values between 5 to max 100. I have max 20 dpc :D can´t get that on a mac, i tried, failed. Just be sure to get proper controllers, disable the crap you don´t need (devices, services, etc), lock CPU/Memory/Power values and do a lot of testing.
As for drivers, RME blows my mind, the best purchase i ever made! USB or Firewire, both rock the same.