Bjorn, thanks for your time and response. I discovered that if I remove the guitar and synth arpeggios then it makes more sense with just vocals, bass, and drums. The crazy thing about this time signature is that it works both in 6/8 and 4/4, depending on the meter.
Makke, thanks for weighing in on this. I always appreciate hearing from you.
Wookie, thanks for sharing your thoughts with me. You always have good ears.
John, thanks for your time and kind words. You're not the only one who's mentioned over compression, so I'll have to consider that on the next pass.
Dave, this is the kind of technical answer that I need. I need to take some more time with the tone, and I'm going to try your suggestions. I have all the tools, but I don't always know when to use them. As for the bass, that was me trying to be too cute. I played it with dynamics for effect, but I can easily smooth this out and have a little less peek-a-boo. Thanks for your help.
Daryl, thanks, mate, for your reply. I'm glad to hear your new song! Carry on...