Glyn Barnes
I love the way you get these sounds to evolve in an interesting and musical manner. Good luck with Bandcamp, will high-res versions be available? I am sure there is detail in this that the Soundcloud compression removes.
Thank you so much, Glyn, I really appreciate your time here
I really do enjoy creating this stuff, for sure, and it really helps that I also enjoy listening to this kind of stuff, on a daily basis. The basic sound creation, up front, sometimes doesn't take that long, because I am not trying to write a traditional song as such, which, for me, could take and age and most of the time end in failure. Most of my efforts therefore go into effects and automating send levels to those effects. And it is that process, I think, that allows me to generate these pieces.
Regarding "hi-res" version, the track is currently available for download on SoundCloud and it is a 24bit 44.1kHz WAV file. Once I have uploaded this to Bandcamp, as and album, I will be removing the download option from SoundCloud.
That said, having listened to both the WAV and SoundCloud 128kbps stream, the latter doesn't sound that bad. I am told that is because I am "mastering" to at least -1dB and the MP3 conversion is a bit more "refined." Also, I aggressively cut anything below 30Hz and anything above 15kHz, because my own personal listening range falls well outside of that, so why keep it in the mix. Cutting the highs like I do may also help to improve the MP3 compression. Although, don't take my word for it, I'm just repeating stuff I have been told
Cheers, and thanks again for taking the time to listen.