jackson white
Is there a difference between staying up until 5:00 am and waking up at 5:00 am?
Good question! The answer is "yes". If I work on something overnight - assuming I've been singing rather than partying - by morning my vocals will have become more consistent, more controlled and prettier. Something to do with stretching the throat muscles, perhaps.
But when I wake up at 4:00 or 5:00 I sound like Lurch from the Addams Family. In this case, it just happened to work out. I should note that the high harmony was added much later in the day, post-coffee.
I have a new mix, which I haven't posted yet. Prompted by suggestions here, I agreed that the drums were a little limp. Rather than making the drums louder, I added parallel distortion to them. This is one of my standard tricks and I don't know why it didn't occur to me that distortion would be a natural fit for a classic pop song.
My go-to plugin for this is Devastor from D16 Group. I use its internal filters, usually applying a wide band-pass that I sweep around to find the sweet spot for the drums, which usually ends up around 1.5 - 3 KHz. Soloed, it sounds nasty, like a tiny transistor radio in the next room. But in context, it lends definition to kick and toms and a nice crack to the snare, making the drums sound louder without actually being louder.