Hi Glyn, this was really great on many levels! Loved the bass, James' guitars, your guitars, keys - all was fantastic.
loved reading about the history behind this song.
and I really hate to give any kind of negativity on your baby (and I'm sure this is special to you and took a lot of your time to work on) - I will say that the vocals are not my favorite. he's got a good voice, he's not off pitch or anything, but I really don't care for the "loose" timing or "mumbled" vocals.
this is JUST my preference only. if this is what you wanted for your song (which it probably is since that's what you did!) then just ignore this ol' dawg. It's just my preference that I would have liked to have heard something a little different on vocals to fit the "epic-ness" of the song and the history of it.
that nearly 8 minutes went by without me even thinking about it! it didn't seem like a long song to me!
kudos to all performances, very good work all!