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MC5 vs MC5LE
Hello all. I just got MC5LE, and have some concerns before I upgrade to the full MC5. Any input for the following questions will be greatly appreciated. 1) In MC5LE, Sound Center will always have the same active sound, in all instances. Specifically, if I Clone the track with Sound Center to a new track, on the new track if I change the sound preset, it also changes in the sound in the original track to the same sound. So, in essence, I can have more than one instance of Sound Center, but they will ALL have the SAME sound active. Am I doing something wrong? If not, can I get separate instances of SoundCenter with different active sounds, if I upgrade to the full MC5? 2) Sound Center does not show up in the MC5LE browser, where I have my VSTplugin folder. It only shows up when I open a "new project", along with one audio, and one guitar track. It also does not appear in the plugin list, when you right click to add a plugin. 3) MC5LE does not have the STAFF NOTATION View, and I've read that MC5 has it. My question is, does MC5 have a PERCUSSION CLEF option in the Staff Mode? Thanks again for any help.
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Re:MC5 vs MC5LE
July 07, 11 4:26 PM
are you selecting different patches in soundcenter? I don't know a lot about MC5LE, it might only have one patch available. but if not, you have to double click on a patch to "load" it. soundcenter is not a "plugin" it's a softsynth - those are different things. look for it in the INSERT>SOFTSYNTH list or in the SYNTH RACK VIEW. I don't remember if the staff view has a percussion clef, but I'm thinking probably not. the notation in MC is VERY limited. if you want good notation you really have to go to a notation program like sibelius or finale'.
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Re:MC5 vs MC5LE
July 07, 11 5:18 PM
And MIDI channels. If MIDI tracks are using the same channels, they will sound the same (in most cases). So each instance of SC should use different channels in the MIDI tracks. So, there is no Staff view option available under the 'Views' button? That's odd they would remove such a useful tool for musicians. Oh, and welcome to the forum.
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Re:MC5 vs MC5LE
July 07, 11 6:10 PM
the lack of notation doesn't surprise me at all for an LE version. if they didn't have PRV then that would surprise me.
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Re:MC5 vs MC5LE
July 07, 11 8:26 PM
First, the LE version is a limited version. MC5 will have all the options available and working. Next, when you clone a track all the properties of the track get copied including the inputs and outputs so the cloned track will have the same sounds. The better way is to clone the track and then change the synth sample and insert a new synth into it's associated audio track. If and when you decide to buy MC5, get the boxed version since it comes with more sounds on the DVD. About Staff view..... yes, MC5 has it and it has the special percussion view as well. Right click the staff pane and a new window opens..... select percussion from the drop down.
post edited by Guitarhacker - July 07, 11 8:32 PM
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Re:MC5 vs MC5LE
July 08, 11 7:17 PM
Firstly, I would like thank all of you, and am very impressed at the great and quick support this forum provides! I had done, as suggested,( i.e., changed the cloned SoundCenter track to different midi channels). They will play independently (if you first highlight the track being accessed) but when the sound is changed on the original instance, by clicking the drumset Icon, both of the SoundCenter tracks get the same sound. You do not get the SC menu if you click on the icon of the cloned track. I could only insert a soft synth on the audio track of the cloned SC track in the Add Effect section, but it doesn't seem to generate the chosen synth's sound. INSERT>Softsynths does NOT have SoundCenter listed. Yes there is no Staff View in LE, but there is PRV. I am glad to hear the MC5 full version has Percussion View. Here is history of installation of MC5LE on my computer: I first installed MC5LE v5.0.6.3 (part of the Instant Popstar package) and then registered it. I stupidly downloaded the 5.0.6 Update and installed that, which caused MC5LE to become unstable. So I then uninstalled MC5LE. I next reinstalled MC using the Start>All Programs>Instant Popstar>MC5 LE Setup. The version I have on now, does not have a way to register it when I click the Help tab. I assume I am stuck on a Demo status? Should I deinstall everything (including Instant Popstar), and install everything again, using the Installation CD? Sorry for all the questions, but I really appreciate the help. Thanks again.
post edited by MC54PC - July 08, 11 7:20 PM
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Re:MC5 vs MC5LE
July 08, 11 9:31 PM
you still haven't said if you are changing the patches on the 2nd instance of soundcenter yet. which patches do you have loaded? actually, I'm going to disagree with greg about changing the MIDI channels because soundcenter is not multitimbral - you can only have ONE channel per instance anyway. so you have to have 2 instances of Soundcenter open, have each MIDI track point to the appropriate soundcenter output (which is probably where you're having a problem) and have different patches loaded in each soundcenter to hear different sounds. on your MIDI track - look at the OUTPUT of the tracks. when you have 2 soundcenters open, you'll have a choice of soundcenter 1 or soundcenter 2 or something similar. one of the midi tracks needs to point to one and the other to the other or you'll be sending midi data to the same one from both tracks. I don't know how to solve the "demo" mode problem without contacting cake support (well, I have a thought, but, it's not an easy one...). what about 5.0.6 was "unstable"?
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Re:MC5 vs MC5LE
July 09, 11 0:31 PM
Thanks Beagle. Version LE was unstable AFTER the update, in that the program froze, as well as my mouse. I actually reinstalled it twice from the Instant Popstar. The first time, it would freeze and not initialize after I selected a file to open. I think ASIO4All was the problem. I deinstalled ASIO4All and MC5LE, and the next time I installed MC from Popstar, it worked. I haven't reinstalled ASIO4all yet. I think I figured out the SoundCenter issue. My MC5LE should (according to the manual) show up when you click "Add Track>Instrument Track", but it doesn't. I even checked my Vstplugin folder and SC is there in a Cakewalk folder. Here is a way I figured out, to have multiple SC with independent patches: Insert>Insert from Track Template>All>All Instruments>(you get 12 choices incl. Analog Clav, BuzzyLead, Classico Bass, etc.) Once I make an instrument selection, I get the same message "IDS_GENERIC_ERROR not found in text resource file!", but you get a new instance of SC. You will not hear anything, so must click the track's icon and SC will open up so you then make a patch selection. Also, when I first get the new SC track, I set the Midi input and Midi CH, and for "Output To">Selected Track Outputs>Midi Output (to the next SC number). Yes, it's convoluted, but it works; and it doesn't look like I have any other choice in my present installation, unless someone could suggest something simpler.
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Re:MC5 vs MC5LE
July 09, 11 7:55 AM
what is "Instant Popstar" which you installed the update from? "IDS_GENERIC_ERROR not found in text resource file!" that is excellent information! that means that soundcenter didn't install correctly because it can't find the file it needs to cross reference the sound database. tech support will need to assist you to resolve that issue, I am pretty sure we can't help you here with that.
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Re:MC5 vs MC5LE
July 09, 11 9:30 PM
The update, has nothing to do with Instant Popstar, and was only downloaded from the Cakewalk site and installed. Instant Popstar is actually a bunch of audio loops of played instrument parts, that work in MC5LE, so one can easily piece together a backing track to sing along with. So there are two parts that come with it, the Popstar loops, and MC5LE. Thanks for the information regarding the SoundCenter defective installation. I will deinstall Everything - the Popstar loops, MC5LE, and make sure the Cakewalk SC folder is deleted from the VSTplugin folder, plus anything related in the Documents Application Data folders. Let's see if this "fresh" complete reinstallation works, and if not, I'll ask Tech Support. Thanks again.
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Re:MC5 vs MC5LE
July 09, 11 10:03 PM
with an error like that you might have to wipe out the registry entries of MC.
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Re:MC5 vs MC5LE
July 09, 11 11:09 PM
Maybe a good case for System Restore?
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