MC6 Project file configs?

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August 15, 17 9:35 PM (permalink)

MC6 Project file configs?

Hi people,
Many months back, I mentioned on the forum that I was having a problem with MC6 Touch losing track of one particular synth, KV331's Synthmaster, which is often my 'go to' synth of choice. This problem crops up every time the Synthmaster plug-in gets updated.
Any new instances of Synthmaster in a song still work fine, MC6 finds it with no trouble, but any songs that were recorded using Synthmaster prior to the Synthmaster update can no longer locate the synth when loading the song's instruments into the rack, and I get the dreaded 'Missing Plugins' error message.
The synth is definitely located in the same place it has always been, and re-installing it and / or rescanning the VST directory doesn't help. This issue only seems to happen with Synthmaster, although most of my other VSTIs probably don't get updated quite as frequently. But the ones that have been updated still work with older songs.
I can, obviously, delete the Synthmaster instances in my songs from the rack and reload them, but the problem is, they load with the default patch, not the patch they were originally using.  Usually, I don't have a record of which patches I was using (it is important because some of those patches are Arpeggios, Sequences or FX, or just specific and particularly suitable sounds) and unless MC6 can find the original synth where it is expecting to find it, that specific patch information seems to be not available to the new instance.
So I was wondering - presumably patch information is saved somewhere as a configuration in the MC6 project file? Does anyone know how I could retrieve that information? Is there any way to maybe read the project file by converting it into English (rather than enigmatic code) using some sort of third-party software?
Thanks for any ideas you may have!


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    Re: MC6 Project file configs? August 17, 17 6:22 PM (permalink)
    I'm not familiar enough Cakewalk file configurations to answer the question you asked.  However, I do have a suggestion that might minimize the issue of using the correct patch in future songs.
    One way to address the issue would be to add notes and comments to your project.  Since is what you're most concerned with because it updates so frequently you could use the Lyrics window (Alt + Shift + 1) as a notepad to record patch and VST version information.  The same might also be true with other VSTi programs and patches such as programmed drums.  If you're using lyrics, you can always use Notepad to create a memo file that can be saved to the project folder.

    Jim F
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    Re: MC6 Project file configs? August 17, 17 8:27 PM (permalink)
    Or start saving the patches as project specific presets.
    I know of no way to extract plug-in data from a project. For now, you might have to restore the old plug-in to get the necessary data.
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