MC6 with Focusrite Scarlett 18i8

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December 26, 15 10:16 AM (permalink)

MC6 with Focusrite Scarlett 18i8

Hi i have just acquired the Scarlett interface and am struggling to work out what my settings ought to . For those of you with the same AI or similar I would appreciate any assistance.
I know i can only record two tracks at a time with MC but plan to upgrade soon. i would like to know what playback device and recording device settings i should be choosing when i go into Edit-Preferences i plan to use (eventually 2 guitars (in inputs 1 + 2) and 2 mics (in inputs 3+4). Yet there are a choice of different inputs showing in the drop down list.
I know my query will lead on to further requests so have kept this first one fairly simple.
Many thanks in advance.

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    Re: MC6 with Focusrite Scarlett 18i8 December 26, 15 11:10 AM (permalink)
    I have a Focusrite 2i4 with MC7 both of which are new to me.
    Firstly choose the Focusrite as your input/output in MC and I think there should be further choices as to actual channels(?).
    Not sure as my Focusrite in/outs are now hard wired to a patchbay/mixer/amp/speakers.
    And of course disable your on-board soundcard/chip.

    Hope this helps.
    post edited by musicman - December 26, 15 11:23 AM
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    Re: MC6 with Focusrite Scarlett 18i8 December 29, 15 9:18 AM (permalink)
    Hi i have just acquired the Scarlett interface and am struggling to work out what my settings ought to . For those of you with the same AI or similar I would appreciate any assistance.
    I know i can only record two tracks at a time with MC but plan to upgrade soon. i would like to know what playback device and recording device settings i should be choosing when i go into Edit-Preferences i plan to use (eventually 2 guitars (in inputs 1 + 2) and 2 mics (in inputs 3+4). Yet there are a choice of different inputs showing in the drop down list.
    I know my query will lead on to further requests so have kept this first one fairly simple.
    Many thanks in advance.

    as a rule of thumb, choose the first 2 inputs as the recording device master and the MAIN outputs as the playback.  these items are just for choosing the source clock, since all of your inputs are operated by the same clock, it shouldn't matter which input pair you choose, but it's safest to choose the first pair.
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    Re: MC6 with Focusrite Scarlett 18i8 December 29, 15 2:42 PM (permalink)
    Thank you
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    Re: MC6 with Focusrite Scarlett 18i8 December 30, 15 8:56 AM (permalink)
    I select the Focusrite inputs and outputs and set them as default in the preferences.....
    Then in the tracks, I select the Focusrite LEFT channel as the input. No need to select the default Stereo unless you have a true stereo input going to both inputs.  Guitars, vocals, etc are mono and gain nothing by being recorded in stereo mode. It simply wastes hard drive space.

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    Re: MC6 with Focusrite Scarlett 18i8 January 03, 16 9:21 PM (permalink)
    Also note that Music Creator 7 will let you use eight Focusrite 18i8 inputs.  Not bad for an upgrade that was ON SALE for $19 the last time I looked.  

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