Re: MC7 does not get any input from my midi keyboard
September 26, 16 1:37 PM
Hello Irving Hunk and welcome to the forum.
Your post reads as though the "cheap Casio keyboard" is not set up correctly. I looked at the users manual for a Casio CTK-2400 to use as an example to follow.
The keyboard manual shows it will communicate with Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8 and 8.1 but 10 IS NOT LISTED.
Connection: keyboard OFF, computer ON, connect USB cable, keyboard ON, Open MC7, configure MC midi for CASIO USB-MIDI. Keyboard has to be ON before starting MC7. Also, USB is disabled during songbook playback.
Use FUNCTION button to advance through midi settings. There are four midi settings: Keybd CL, , Navi, Acomp Out and Local.
Keybd CL = what channel the keyboard transmits on 1 - 16
Navi = send on two channels. Navi channel is right hand, one lower is left hand. You want option 3 for both channels.
Accomp Out = do you want accompant transmitted? On or off.
Local = Does depressing keys transmit or not? Local on = No while local off = yes.
Hope this helps.