Helpful ReplyMC7 does not get any input from my midi keyboard

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September 25, 16 8:31 PM (permalink)

MC7 does not get any input from my midi keyboard

I recently bought MC7 and am trying to setup my home cheap Casio keyboard using midi. All its great with MC7, I can reproduce all audio demos in my sound card and all midi demos in the keyboard but I cannot get any midi input to MC7 from the keyboard. MC7 midi activity console does not show any activity despite my cable says it is sending output to the PC. I'm not that new working with Cakewalk products, in the past I used to work with Sonar 4 Pro edition and never had this issue with the same midi keyboard. I've done all what documentation states without any progress.
Has anyone had a similar issue? Any help will be much appreciated.
Meanwhile I'll keep trying before bothering Cakewal tech support guys.
Thanks in advance.
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Re: MC7 does not get any input from my midi keyboard September 26, 16 8:37 AM (permalink) ☄ Helpfulby IrvingHunk October 02, 16 5:22 PM
What sound card/ interface are you using and what driver mode?
Have you checked to see that the keyboard and the software are communicating on the same midi channel?
Also be sure you're using a softsynth and have it set up correctly.

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Re: MC7 does not get any input from my midi keyboard September 26, 16 1:37 PM (permalink)
Hello Irving Hunk and welcome to the forum.
Your post reads as though the "cheap Casio keyboard" is not set up correctly.  I looked at the users manual for a Casio CTK-2400 to use as an example to follow.
The keyboard manual shows it will communicate with Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8 and 8.1 but 10 IS NOT LISTED.
Connection:  keyboard OFF, computer ON, connect USB cable, keyboard ON, Open MC7, configure MC midi for CASIO USB-MIDI.  Keyboard has to be ON before starting MC7.  Also, USB is disabled during songbook playback.
Use FUNCTION button to advance through midi settings.  There are four midi settings:  Keybd CL, , Navi, Acomp Out and Local.
Keybd CL = what channel the keyboard transmits on 1 - 16
Navi = send on two channels.  Navi channel is right hand, one lower is left hand.  You want option 3 for both channels.
Accomp Out = do you want accompant transmitted? On or off.
Local = Does depressing keys transmit or not?  Local on = No while local off = yes.
Hope this helps.

Jim F
Cakewalk by Bandlab (CbB)
Sonar Home Studio V23.9.0 build 32
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Re: MC7 does not get any input from my midi keyboard October 02, 16 5:01 PM (permalink)
Hi jimfogle,
Thank you very much for your answer. Actually I have CTK-1600 and its setup is just like you described.
At the end the problem seemed to be I had the MS Wave GS Synth enabled and an ASIO4ALL driver not fully compatible with Win10. I disabled MS Wave GS Synth and upgraded to the most recent available ASIO4ALL version and now all is working as a charm.
Thanks again.
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Re: MC7 does not get any input from my midi keyboard October 03, 16 7:41 PM (permalink)
Great news!  Nice to read you got it working.  Thanks for following up with what you discovered and how you got the keyboard to start working.
I'm sure your follow up will help another forum user in the future.

Jim F
Cakewalk by Bandlab (CbB)
Sonar Home Studio V23.9.0 build 32
Music Creator 6
Band-in-a-Box, Audacity, ChordPulse
Win 7, i3 cpu, 8Gig ram, 480 Gig Dell Laptop
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