AnsweredMC7 won't step record with the virtual controller?

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February 19, 16 2:16 PM (permalink)

MC7 won't step record with the virtual controller?

Hello. I'm not new to sequencing but I am new to using Music Creator so I've been experimenting with it the last couple of days to get familiar with and I'm having an issue with Step Record. I followed the directions and get to the step record dialog, in basic mode as seen in screenshot below. As you can see in the screenshot during a keypress, I trigger a note on the virtual controller and hear it play, and the track level meter spikes green in response, but the step recorder doesn't acknowledge or auto-advance like I would expect it to in this scenario. Is the Virtual Controller not capable of feeding Step Record or am I perhaps missing something right in front of my face? I just thought it might be a handy way to work on simple rhythms and patterns when I'm travelling and don't have a physical controller connected.
Thoughts? thanks.

post edited by knetknight - February 19, 16 2:32 PM
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Re: MC7 won't step record with the virtual controller? February 19, 16 3:06 PM (permalink) ☼ Best Answerby knetknight February 20, 16 0:31 PM
Yes, it appears step record does not like using the virtual controller directly as an input.
I was able to use the virtual controller doing the following:
  • Add a MIDI track with the input set to the virtual controller omni and the output set to LoopBe1 omni.
  • Add an instrument track with the input set to LoopBe1 omni
  • Enable input echo on both tracks
  • Enable step recording
  • Record
Any virtual MIDI cable should work. LoopBe1 and LoopMIDI are free. Install one of them and enable the input/output for the virtual cable in MC MIDI device preferences.
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Re: MC7 won't step record with the virtual controller? February 19, 16 6:30 PM (permalink)
Thanks scook. Maybe I'm doing something wrong but each time I try that I get the following error and then loopbe1 mutes itself.

Kind Regards
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Re: MC7 won't step record with the virtual controller? February 19, 16 7:12 PM (permalink)
It is pretty easy to create a feedback loop which will throw that message. It can be the result of using MIDI "All Inputs" settings. Did you try the above example in a new project?
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Re: MC7 won't step record with the virtual controller? February 20, 16 0:15 PM (permalink)
Thanks scook, that did it. I must've just goofed something earlier because I just started over from scratch and I'd swear I set it up the same way as last time except, you know, now it works and all :-p
Time to tinker!
post edited by knetknight - February 20, 16 0:29 PM
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