MIDI Plays Same sound on each track

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January 04, 17 0:44 PM (permalink)

MIDI Plays Same sound on each track

I'm a bit of a MIDI newbie.  I have a Motif 7 hooked up (USB) to Music Creator LE.  I created one midi track and everything was working fine.  I could control the sound selection from Cakewalk.  I created a new MIDI Track and recorded my second track.  It recorded and got input, however when I play back both play the Piano tone.  I want one track to play piano, and one strings.  I can't seem to get it to override.  When I mute one track at a time it plays the correct instrument, but when I unmute them both they play the same instrument.  Is this something I'm doing wrong on the Cakewalk side or is it set up wrong on my Motif?  No idea how to set up so I can record multiple tracks.  Very frustrating

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    Re: MIDI Plays Same sound on each track January 04, 17 10:40 AM (permalink)
    Welcome to the forum.
    Make sure each MIDI track is using a different channel.

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    Re: MIDI Plays Same sound on each track January 04, 17 11:01 AM (permalink)
    I've done that in a number of configurations.  It seems like when I change the channel on the new track it overrides the sound on the original track.  So for example, if the main track is piano on channel 1... when I switch the new track to channel 2 with strings it plays both as strings.  However if I mute the piano track, strings play properly and if I mute the strings track, piano plays properly.  When played together though, they only play one sound or the other.
    I've tried it a few ways and left the input as "Motif Omni" (though I've tried channels with those as well).  I'm not sure if it has something to do with the settings on my keyboard either.  I feel like I'm close, but things don't quite seem to be working.  I feel like there is some setting that I'm doing wrong.
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    Re: MIDI Plays Same sound on each track January 05, 17 7:35 AM (permalink)
    This is something I put on my website many years ago after I finally figured out how to do what you are trying to do.

    (NOTE: my keyboard is currently set to transmit on midi channel 6 & my interface is a Focusrite saffire. In the info below, FR means my focusrite interface. Substitute YOUR interface in it's place.
    The secret to getting the different tracks to play different instruments is to set the OUTPUT to different channels. That channel is applying a different patch or sound and you get the unique instruments on each track. Read the past paragraph below.

    ADVANCED TTS set up and operation.

    You only need one instance of TTS to be able to play 16 different midi tracks as 16 different instruments. In this demo I will explain just how you accomplish this by starting with 3 midi tracks and one instance of TTS.

    So…open a new project ( I opened a normal project and deleted the audio track and then inserted the midi tracks needed and then inserted the soft synth) and insert 3 midi tracks and one instance of TTS. I have:
     Track 1 midi piano
     Track 2 midi bass
     Track 3 midi strings
     Track 4 Cakewalk TTS1-1 (audio track this is where TTS lives in this project)

    Use the track icons…it makes it ease to know what track you are working on.

    Understand that this is just a basic setup of TTS to show you how to setup multiple instruments in one instance of TTS and get it all working.

    Set Track 1 (piano)

    Input FR channel 6
    Output 2-Cakewalk TTS1-1
    Channel 1
    Key 0
    Bank & patch = piano

    Set track 2 (bass)

    Input FR channel 6
    Output 2-Cakewalk TTS1-1
    Channel 2
    Key -12
    Bank & patch = bass

    Set track 3 (strings)

    Input FR channel 6
    Output 2 Cakewalk TTS1-1
    Channel 3
    Key 0
    Bank & patch = strings

    A NOTE about my set up..... Notice that all 3 tracks are using the same input....FR channel 6. (Focusrite=FR) This allows all three channels to “hear” the midi keyboard which I have set to transmit on channel 6.
    I could set each channel input to a different channel. By doing so I have to change the midi keyboard to transmit on that channel....none of the other channels will hear it, and that can be very useful in recording as you will see shortly.

    By setting all 3 channels to the same midi INPUT channel (channel 6) I am able to play all the parts into the three channels with out changing the midi transmit channel on my DX27S. I arm track 1 and record my parts doing the same for the next two tracks. Since the OUTPUTS are set to different channels they are sending their midi data to different channels in the TTS synth. The synth looks at the channel number, and routs that data to that channel and applied the patch & bank info you assigned to it and it carries out those instructions. The result is that you hear 3 different instruments playing from your speakers.
    I hope this helps

    My website & music: www.herbhartley.com

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    Re: MIDI Plays Same sound on each track January 05, 17 9:08 AM (permalink)
    Thanks, I got it figured out last night.  My keyboard wasn't set up right and everything was recording and playing through one channel.  For anyone using a Motif, I found that you need to have the "song" and "mixer" button activated and then select the channel you are recording/playing from to match the channel on the MIDI recorder
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