Since a Windows 10 Update back this spring, I have had a problem with the MIDI assignments changing on my instrument tracks when I reopen a project.
Example: On one project the first MIDI/INSTRUMENT combination I opened was Addictive Drums. Later in the project, and many tracks later, I opened SI-Bass. After saving the project and returning the SI-Bass MIDI channel was outputting to Addictive Drums. In the project there were SEVERAL other MIDI/INSTRUMENT tracks that were pointing to instruments other than they were originally assigned to, and it took a few extra, non-productive minutes to get them all corrected.
After saving and opening the project on my next work day, the assignments were wrong again. This is now occurring when I open any existing project that has MIDI/INSTRUMENT tracks.
I also tried creating SIMPLE INSTRUMENT Tracks and the same thing happened. I had to go back and split them to MIDID+Instrument tracks. This DID NOT ultimately correct the problem either.
Not sure what to do next. Let me know what you can.