MIDI Through on USB MIDI Keyboard Controllers?

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2010/12/31 20:42:07 (permalink)

MIDI Through on USB MIDI Keyboard Controllers?

Here is the situation:

I tried a couple devices I have had for decades, but have not tried in decades--the Yamaha BC-02 breath controller (note--this is not a wind controller instrument, but to add breath control to a keyboard) (there is a newer one available now--the BC-03), and the Anatek Wind Machine (long discontinued, although there is a newer device by MIDI Solutions, which I think is similar), which  is supposed to take the breath controller as input, and output the breath control messages via MIDI cable.

I plugged in the Anatek to the wall AC, with its power brick (sure wish it did not need that!, and a red light came on. A MIDI cable from its MIDI Out was connected to the MIDI In of a USB Midi Keyboard Controller of mine, the Roland-Edirol PCR30. The keyboard was connected to the computer via USB.

I had the Anatek WM set to the defaults--MIDI Channel 1., and set to output breath control data. (It also can be set to output volume, or expression, or aftertouch data,. etc.)

I opened up a couple softsynths, could play the synth with the keyboard, but the breath controller did zilch, did not make a bit of difference. I changed its settings to output volume data instead of breath control and it still did not do anyhing.

It could have been a hardware problem--the breath controller, or the WM, or both.

But I am thinking that I was wrong in assuming that the breath data out of MIDI OUT on the WM, going into MIDI IN on the keyboard, would mix with the Kb's own data and both together would go to the computer via USB. After all. when one hooks up a pedal to the keyboard, that data gets mixed with that of the keybboard, and goes together to the computer. Also, a MIDI keyboard controller has no sounds of its own, and just controls those in a computer. Why would it even have a  MIDI In port, if that data was not sent to the computer? It should certanly work that way, IMO, at least as an option.

I then recalled, that if I look at the Sonar MIDI inputs with that keyboard connected, it has two. inputs listed from that keyboard--one like PCR30 USB, and the other something like PCR30 MIDI IN. That sounds like, either message can be sent from the keyboard to the computer--the notes or control messages created on the keyboard, or the messages coming into MIDI In. But unfortunately, not mixed together. (There certainly should be the option of both togethr though. Do most USB keyboards only have them separate, or do some have the option of mixing the MIDI In data with that created by the keyboard, and sending both together to the computer?

If that is the case though, is there a software workaround, a way to mix the MIDI IN portdata on the keyboard, wtih data created on the keyboard, to send  both mixed to the computer, in real time?

With virtual MIDI ports?

The question though--why don't manufacturers include such capability, with their USB MIDI keyboards? (Or again, do most have that capability?)


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    Re:MIDI Through on USB MIDI Keyboard Controllers? 2011/01/01 01:23:17 (permalink)
    I opened up a couple softsynths, could play the synth with the keyboard, but the breath controller did zilch, did not make a bit of difference. I changed its settings to output volume data instead of breath control and it still did not do anyhing.

    I think you need to verify the soft synth you are driving with the keyboard is designed to react to breath control messages. If you record a MIDI track with the breath controller messages in the track, you can use the Event View to verify that the breath controller data is present (I believe it is Controller 2).

    Regarding the two MIDI inputs from your keyboard, I believe they correspond to the USB and standard MIDI cable outputs from the keyboard. In some keyboards (e.g., Yamaha CP5), the keyboard will only react to MIDI data on the selected MIDI input (i.e., either USB OR MIDI).

    I hope this was helpful. Happy New Year.


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    Re:MIDI Through on USB MIDI Keyboard Controllers? 2011/01/02 00:45:49 (permalink)
    Well, I tried with the Anatek set to volume control as well. So that was not the issue.

    Yes, I get the impression that with most USB MIDI controller keyboards with a MIDI IN port, that MIDI IN can be transmitted to the computer, only as a separate MIDI in port, than the USB MIDI messages coming directly from the keyboard.

    But isn't, or shouldn't there be an option on most keyboards, to mix those two inputs, for the data coming into the MIDI In of the keyboard to be mixed with the keyboard's own data?

    I would think that should be an option, but I have not seen it with my keyboards.


    I think you need to verify the soft synth you are driving with the keyboard is designed to react to breath control messages. If you record a MIDI track with the breath controller messages in the track, you can use the Event View to verify that the breath controller data is present (I believe it is Controller 2).

    Regarding the two MIDI inputs from your keyboard, I believe they correspond to the USB and standard MIDI cable outputs from the keyboard. In some keyboards (e.g., Yamaha CP5), the keyboard will only react to MIDI data on the selected MIDI input (i.e., either USB OR MIDI).

    I hope this was helpful. Happy New Year.

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