Helpful ReplyMIDI Tracks Confusion

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September 21, 18 5:06 AM (permalink)

MIDI Tracks Confusion

I'm going to try another question.  I don't know if I'm close to figuring this out or close to giving up.
I inserted the Cakewalk TTS-1 soft synth in my project.  I inserted two MIDI tracks and assigned them to that synth.  I want them to have different voices.  I opened the synth's control panel and it has 16 columns of voices(?)  When I play a key for the first MIDI track it activates voice 2.  When I play the other it activates voice 1. How?  I don't think I ever picked those assignments.  Now to make it more confusing if I change a voice in voice 2 it changes the sound.  But if I change a voice in voice 1 it always stays on Piano 1.  Why?
Am I supposed to create one soft synth and then assign different MIDI tracks to it to get different instruments?  Or should I insert the soft synth in the synth rack multiple times and assign different voices to voice 1 in the different synths?  Or should I add each sound as a separate synth as separate MIDI and Audio tracks in the Add Synth dialog box?  I've looked over the help files and I don't find where it explains how to organize MIDI tracks.  Can someone point me to a tutorial that will guide me through the basics?  I want to record instruments from MIDI and use Audio tracks for vocals, then "bounce" the MIDI tracks to Audio tracks for the final mixing.
Thanks, Steve
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Re: MIDI Tracks Confusion September 21, 18 3:06 PM (permalink) ☄ Helpfulby DallasSteve September 21, 18 9:00 PM
You might have a hard coded voice selection in the track that sets piano for the track going to voice 1. You should have a look at the MIDI events for that track and look for a patch change that calls up Piano. I'm not sure why track 1 goes to voice 2 and track to goes to voice 1. They might have MIDI channel assignments built in (I'm guessing TTS is expecting voice 1 to respond to MIDI Channel 1 and voice 2 to MIDI Channel 2). Looking at the MIDI events will show that too.

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Re: MIDI Tracks Confusion September 21, 18 7:07 PM (permalink)
Thanks John.  I'll try to dig around for a patch change.  Do you have any idea what is the recommended way to work?  Map different tracks to the same soft synth or insert one soft synth for each track?
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Re: MIDI Tracks Confusion September 21, 18 7:20 PM (permalink) ☄ Helpfulby DallasSteve September 21, 18 9:00 PM
Either way works OK.
The issue some have with the MC series are limits on certain features. The program permits 8 soft synths per project. The audio and MIDI track limits were developed around the capabilities of 8 instances of TTS-1 (16 MIDI inputs and 4 audio outputs per instances). When working with 8 or less synths it does not matter.
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Re: MIDI Tracks Confusion September 21, 18 9:02 PM (permalink)
If I get rolling and do this as a steady hobby I'll upgrade to something better.  I read on here that Cakewalk is out of business.  That's sad news to me.  If I went to a more powerful DAW would you still suggest Sonar or some other product?
Thanks, Steve
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Re: MIDI Tracks Confusion September 21, 18 9:13 PM (permalink)
Gibson shutdown Cakewalk operations in Nov. 2017. This included SONAR development, sales and support.
Early in 2018 BandLab purchased Cakewalk IP, hired several former Cakewalk employees and released a new DAW based on SONAR Platinum. Cakewalk by BandLab which runs on Win 64bit and newer is free. To get a copy, create an account at BandLab using the same email address as your old Cakewalk account and follow the CbB installation instructions using BandLab Assistant.
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Re: MIDI Tracks Confusion September 22, 18 3:08 AM (permalink)
Here is a link to a YouTube video demonstrating how to use the TTS-1:
Here is a 2005 Craig Anderton Sound-on-Sound magazine article that explains the TTS-1:

Jim F
Cakewalk by Bandlab (CbB)
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Re: MIDI Tracks Confusion September 26, 18 2:18 PM (permalink)
I'm pretty sure it's the channel assignments.

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Music Creator 2003, MC Pro 24, SONAR Home Studio 6 XL, SONAR  X3e, CbB, Focusrite Saffire, not enough space.
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