Even if this Cakewalk closing hadn't occurred its still a good idea to perform good housekeeping habits.
I have a few and that includes a few different methods, steps to ensure project have a long healthy lifespan.
*- Pre notes about Midi files:
When it comes to Midi within Sonar, all midi files is stored with a .CWP (Cakewalk Project).
What does this mean ? It means if your project is/was to become corrupt and no longer accessible, you will never be able to recover those Midi files.
1- Its a good idea to open your projects and Bounce your midi clips using the "Bounce to clips" function.
This takes small clips within the same Midi track and bounces them to one large Midi track. Allowing you to avoid piecing together small fragments of clips to regain an order.
2- After you have Bounced to clips all your Midi clips, Export them using the Browser or a Windows Explorer folder. Be sure to name/rename your clips so you know what they are, for example: "Wild thing.Drums".
3- You can also use the Export/Midi function but they must be groove clips.
This is the fail safe method to backing up Midi in Sonar.
*- Pre notes about Audio files:
1- Its a good idea to open your projects and Bounce your Audio clips using the "Bounce to clips" function.
This takes small clips within the same Audio track and bounces them to one large Audio track. Allowing you to avoid piecing together small fragments of clips to regain an order.
2- - After you have Bounced to clips all your Audio clips, You will be able to see them in the working Projects Audio folder. You will also see the small clip fragments that have now become one large Audio file.
Special Note: You do not lose quality by using the "Bounce to clips" function on Audio clips.
This is not the old analog Tape recorder days when Bouncing tracks lost quality upon each generation.
3- Save your project using the "Save as" method. This will save only working files from the project.
The alternative is to use the "Clean Audio folder" function. Keep in mind this will remove take lane data and/or clips that are not within the bounced down tracks.
*-Pre notes about the Project:
I always keep a BPM record of every song I create. I also make a hard copy back up using the Track labeling system I created seen here on this thread:
http://forum.cakewalk.com/Orginizing-Labeling-Audio-and-Midi-Tracks-m3448904.aspx This includes notes, Tempo maps, Delay times and even bounced down synth tracks.
This is because, when the synth is no longer compatible (DXI plug ins, VST2, EXC) then it will become essential that you always have that Audio back up of a discontinued plug in/compatibility.