Markers on broadcast wave?

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2011/10/04 20:57:30 (permalink)

Markers on broadcast wave?

Hi guys, just mastering a project right now in X1 and trying to speed up the process. I normally do all processing, track spacing, limiting and dithering in X1, export the whole thing as one big wav then import it into WaveLab for PQ coding. 

So I don't have to go through and find the start and end points for each track again in WaveLab, I was wondering if I exported from X1 as a broadcast wave, would the markers I currently have indicating the start of each track in X1 be embedded into the file? If so, can WaveLab then use those markers to mark Index 0 and Index 1? 

I'll have three fingers of Glenlivet, with a little bit of pepper... and some cheese.

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    Re:Markers on broadcast wave? 2011/10/05 11:49:47 (permalink)
    Nope, Sonar won't export markers.

    -Steve Corey
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