Meant to be - Demo song with my vocals
First song posted and its a bit of a cheat as I have only recorder the vocals - the rest of the track is from the demo song from Justin Lassen.
Ive been doing this for about 2 years and have a lot of my own songs as well but never seem to actually finish recording one as there's always bits i'm not happy with and i move on to writing another song first and then it stays unfinished!! Also, am I the only one who rips bits of songs out of other songs you've already written to fit into another tune where it sounds better??
Anyway - The vocals here I think have too much reverb and prob too much delay. Also could do with coming up in the mix at times but thats because I put a volume envelope on the track and when i wanted to change it I couldn't?!?! Sure i'll figure it out this weekend
Any comments on the sound etc (vocals ) would be good and I'll get some of my own up soon so I can learn some more about putting the whole thing together