Melodyne Help Needed - after bounce gain/distortion

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2012/07/11 14:07:47 (permalink)

Melodyne Help Needed - after bounce gain/distortion

When I bounce to tracks after using Melodyne Assistant (plugin) I have increased gain with low level distortion. Sometimes the peaks are maxed out. 

(I do have all other fx in the bin turned off, also ProChannel is bypassed)

What I've tried so far:
Lowered the gain in Meloydyne = smaller/normal peak size, but the low level distortion is there

This also happens when I apply effects to the current track or freeze the track. 

I want to mention that Melodyne works as expected about 10% of the time in regards to the gain/distortion problem. So I'm stumped and reaching out here to see if anyone can point something I may be missing... 

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    Re:Melodyne Help Needed - after bounce gain/distortion 2012/07/11 14:31:52 (permalink)
    I have Editor (not Assistant). I've never seen this.

    One thought, do you have a send on the track to a bus with FX?
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    Re:Melodyne Help Needed - after bounce gain/distortion 2012/07/11 15:09:02 (permalink)

    I have Editor (not Assistant). I've never seen this.

    One thought, do you have a send on the track to a bus with FX?

    Yes I do - what I thought would be okay is that I deselect sends/busses when I bounce.

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    Re:Melodyne Help Needed - after bounce gain/distortion 2012/07/11 15:17:56 (permalink)
    Hmmmmm. In theory that should work.
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    Re:Melodyne Help Needed - after bounce gain/distortion 2012/07/11 15:27:05 (permalink)
    I, too, have had this problem with Melodyne Essential!  One thing I've had to do is bounce to track without FAST BOUNCE checked.

    that still didn't stop it from happening on one track.  I ended up having to ditch the edits I made in that section and start over - then of course I only bounced the small section to replace the section I was missing, but that resolved it.

    it was not an elegant solution, tho.  and I think I've found that if I mess with TIMING that this is when it happens the worst.  not so much on pitch.
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    Re:Melodyne Help Needed - after bounce gain/distortion 2012/07/11 15:27:40 (permalink)
    When I'm working on a track using Melodyne Editor plugin I always totally remove all other plugins from the track...just to be safe...I know, it's probably crazy but I still do it.  But I'm so stupid I've never even thought about any effects on the buss I'm sending that track to.  But like Bapsi, I've never had this happen.  I also didn't even know Assistant could be used as a plug in.  Are you sure you're not talking about Editor? 
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    Re:Melodyne Help Needed - after bounce gain/distortion 2012/07/11 15:35:47 (permalink)

    When I'm working on a track using Melodyne Editor plugin I always totally remove all other plugins from the track...just to be safe...I know, it's probably crazy but I still do it.  But I'm so stupid I've never even thought about any effects on the buss I'm sending that track to.  But like Bapsi, I've never had this happen.  I also didn't even know Assistant could be used as a plug in.  Are you sure you're not talking about Editor?

    I think I will give this another go with the all other fx removed. I wish I was talking about Editor - but that's an upgrade away. 

    Melodyne Assistant info

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    Re:Melodyne Help Needed - after bounce gain/distortion 2012/07/11 15:40:21 (permalink)

    I'm going to try unchecking fast bounce.


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    Re:Melodyne Help Needed - after bounce gain/distortion 2012/07/11 15:50:37 (permalink)
    for what it's worth, I'll tell you what I do with melodyne essentials. Make a new clean, uneffected track just for Melodyne close to the vocal track(s) and drag the clip that you are editing to that track. Edit with Melodyne then bounce back to the original track. Delete the clip I've been editing and job done.
    I also have saved a preset in the bounce to track options called Melodyne. Makes life pretty easy and saves having to turn stuff off and then remember to turn it back on. And, yes fast bounce is turned off.
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    Re:Melodyne Help Needed - after bounce gain/distortion 2012/07/11 18:35:47 (permalink)

    for what it's worth, I'll tell you what I do with melodyne essentials. Make a new clean, uneffected track just for Melodyne close to the vocal track(s) and drag the clip that you are editing to that track. Edit with Melodyne then bounce back to the original track. Delete the clip I've been editing and job done.
    I also have saved a preset in the bounce to track options called Melodyne. Makes life pretty easy and saves having to turn stuff off and then remember to turn it back on. And, yes fast bounce is turned off.

    That sounds like a great idea. I'm going to give all of these suggestions a try tonight.


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    Re:Melodyne Help Needed - after bounce gain/distortion 2012/07/11 19:07:24 (permalink)
    Thanks for the help.

    I left something out of the story that apparently is a big deal. The vox track is a comp track that has 4 layers and edited with mutes, etc. 

    When I take this comp track and bounce to another track (no sends/no fx - RAW) I get the same large peaks and distortion. I noticed the faders on the slow bounce and they were redlining. The track is recorded around -12db.

    No Melodyne, nothing, just a comp track. 

    I take this same track and bounce to clips and it looks normal. I listen as well. I then bounce the track to another track and again it is normal. I add Melodyne and do a few edits to the now non-comp's track and bounce to tracks - all is normal...  I should add that I also froze the comp'd track and bounced and it was also normal.

    In the end I'm left with thinking I can't bounce a comp'd track to another track - I have to first bounce it to clips or freeze it??? That can't be right. 

    BTW - fast or slow bounce didn't seem to affect the clip once I froze or bounced the comp'd track (in place) and then used Melodyne - then bounced to another track. 

    Must not be a Melodyne issue after all...

    Anyone care to comment, I would appreciate it. At least now I have a trusty way to this.

    post edited by musicroom - 2012/07/11 19:08:37

    Desktop: Platinum / RME Multiface II / Purrfect Audio DAW  I7-3770 / 16 GB RAM / Win 10 Pro / Remote Laptop i7 6500U / 12GB RAM /  RME Babyface

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