AnsweredMidi Controller Question.

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December 27, 16 10:14 AM (permalink)

Midi Controller Question.

Hi All,
         I have a fairly basic question that I was hoping to get some help with. Today I have tried conecting my Yahama Keyboard (which has USB midi) to my pc to trigger some sounds on music creator 7. I am using the cakewalk sound center and was just messing about when I noticed that my yamaha keyboard has less keys than the sound center shows. So I have counted the keys on the yamaha and it has 61 keys. The little keyboard that appears to test the sounds on the sound center has 77 keys. So after doing a bit of research online I can see that some keyboard/midi controllers have 76 keys etc. So basically I am stuck with the 61 keys for now but I was wondering if there was any way to customise which keys trigger which sounds ie the very low keys which my keyboard cannot trigger? I appreicate this might be more a problem for the keyboard rather than music creator but I thought I would ask. Hopefully this makes sense and someone could offer a bit of help on this. I would really appreicate it.
Thank you.
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Re: Midi Controller Question. December 27, 16 10:36 AM (permalink) ☼ Best Answerby RamboFB December 28, 16 6:41 AM
When it comes to the hardware, it depends on the controller.
Here are two ways MC7 can transpose input on the fly.
The Key+ slider in the Track Inspector. it is the top control pointed to by O in this illustration from

A MiDI FX called Transpose (illustration from
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Re: Midi Controller Question. December 27, 16 10:57 AM (permalink)
Thank you for taking the time to reply.
So I Tried the first method and I am getting problems with that. My lack of experience is really showing here.
Normally when I insert a synth (in this case the sound center), I normally select "simple instrument track" and that has worked fine but the option you mention in method one doesnt appear on the mix strip. So I tried selecting the "Midi source" option instead then I can see the same as you have on the mix strip but I cant hear any sounds so I tried choosing the input as the yahama keyboard and the output was the sound center, again I cant hear any sound. Even the little keyboard that comes up on the sound center does produce any sound either.
I know I am doing something wrong just not sure what. Again thanks for taking the time to reply and if you can offer any help here that would be great? 
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Re: Midi Controller Question. December 27, 16 11:03 AM (permalink)
Normally when I insert a synth (in this case the sound center), I normally select "simple instrument track" and that has worked fine but the option you mention in method one doesnt appear on the mix strip.

Sure, it does. Did you read the link I posted? Here is more general information on the track inspector
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Re: Midi Controller Question. December 27, 16 11:10 AM (permalink)
I figured it out, I hadnt pressed the button labelled "R". And it worked perfectly. Thank you so much for your help. 
Made my day cheers.
Kalle Rantaaho
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Re: Midi Controller Question. December 28, 16 5:35 AM (permalink) ☄ Helpfulby RamboFB December 28, 16 6:36 AM
Being too obvious, perhaps, but anyway:
Often you don't need both the lowest and highest keys in the same take. In such cases you can use the octave up-down function which I'm sure your keyboard has (I assume all keyboards with a cut down number of keys have it).

SONAR PE 8.5.3, Asus P5B, 2,4 Ghz Dual Core, 4 Gb RAM, GF 7300, EMU 1820, Bluetube Pre  -  Kontakt4, Ozone, Addictive Drums, PSP Mixpack2, Melda Creative Pack, Melodyne Plugin etc.
The benefit of being a middle aged amateur is the low number of years of frustration ahead of you.
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Re: Midi Controller Question. December 28, 16 6:40 AM (permalink)
Kalle Rantaaho
Being too obvious, perhaps, but anyway:
Often you don't need both the lowest and highest keys in the same take. In such cases you can use the octave up-down function which I'm sure your keyboard has (I assume all keyboards with a cut down number of keys have it).

Yes I had thought about that. Im getting by at the moment with this fix but I will need to look into how the yahama keyboard changes octaves. I read something somewhere but it didnt make alot of sense. I have the manual aswell so I can take a look. Very happy today becuase I managed to fix another problem but Im going to post about it. Just so much to learn isn't there?
Thanks anyway
Kalle Rantaaho
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Re: Midi Controller Question. December 29, 16 5:00 AM (permalink) ☄ Helpfulby RamboFB December 29, 16 4:08 PM
Kalle Rantaaho
Being too obvious, perhaps, but anyway:
Often you don't need both the lowest and highest keys in the same take. In such cases you can use the octave up-down function which I'm sure your keyboard has (I assume all keyboards with a cut down number of keys have it).

Yes I had thought about that. Im getting by at the moment with this fix but I will need to look into how the yahama keyboard changes octaves. I read something somewhere but it didnt make alot of sense. I have the manual aswell so I can take a look. Very happy today becuase I managed to fix another problem but Im going to post about it. Just so much to learn isn't there?
Thanks anyway

A lot to learn, yes!  In most keyboards, AFAIK, you can change octaves on the fly quite fast. There's no button or knob on the "dashboard" marked "oct" or similar?
If you had told us what keyboard you are using, you might have gotten the answer in the first reply already :o/
Under Yamaha label the offering is vast.

SONAR PE 8.5.3, Asus P5B, 2,4 Ghz Dual Core, 4 Gb RAM, GF 7300, EMU 1820, Bluetube Pre  -  Kontakt4, Ozone, Addictive Drums, PSP Mixpack2, Melda Creative Pack, Melodyne Plugin etc.
The benefit of being a middle aged amateur is the low number of years of frustration ahead of you.
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Re: Midi Controller Question. December 29, 16 4:15 PM (permalink)
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Re: Midi Controller Question. December 29, 16 4:18 PM (permalink)
Kalle Rantaaho
Kalle Rantaaho
Being too obvious, perhaps, but anyway:
Often you don't need both the lowest and highest keys in the same take. In such cases you can use the octave up-down function which I'm sure your keyboard has (I assume all keyboards with a cut down number of keys have it).

Yes I had thought about that. Im getting by at the moment with this fix but I will need to look into how the yahama keyboard changes octaves. I read something somewhere but it didnt make alot of sense. I have the manual aswell so I can take a look. Very happy today becuase I managed to fix another problem but Im going to post about it. Just so much to learn isn't there?
Thanks anyway

A lot to learn, yes!  In most keyboards, AFAIK, you can change octaves on the fly quite fast. There's no button or knob on the "dashboard" marked "oct" or similar?
If you had told us what keyboard you are using, you might have gotten the answer in the first reply already :o/
Under Yamaha label the offering is vast.

I cant see anything like that on the keyboard so not sure. 
Fair point but I didnt want to get too far into the keyboard settings since this is a cakewalk forum etc. I was really trying to see if there was anything MC7 could do first then if it came down to a yahama problem I would read the manual or go find a yamaha forum etc etc!!!!
Its an old keyboard probably ten years old! PSR E403. I'm sure I will find something.
cheers anyway
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