Missing features/edits options
Hi all -
Haven't budged much since picking up S1 and Samplitude but I want to see how getting Sonar projects into these other platforms works. I'm trying to paste individual midi tracks into a single track but Paste-Special shows the option now grayed out. In addition, Print and Step Sequencer are also grayed out, not sure why. Any ideas what could be behind this? I select multiple midi tracks - by selecting them with the mouse and click "Copy" followed by putting the cursor at the point in my new midi track that I want to copy to but the options are not there when I click "Paste Special".
BTW: Since S1 doesn't support OMF, someone mentioned creating the S1 project inside the project folder of the Splat project that also contains the project audio. This works wonderfully, and I get WAVs and stems in S1 but a little rearrangement is needed.
Studio One 3.5. SPLAT 64. Win 7 Pro. Dell 7010, i7 3770, 3.4 GHz, 16Gb RAM. Tascam US-122 Mk II. Lotsa other gadgets.