Re: Most Synth Rack Notes Not Sounding
February 16, 16 2:10 AM
I don't have MC, and I'm not aware of what is a "Sound Center Track". I assume you inserted a soft synth. or is your
Ketron in the picture for creating the sounds?
There are (at least) two possibilities. My first suspect is "MIDI buffers - use xxx ms buffers". in the Options/Preferences (I don't know which name MC uses for the settings drop down). Double that figure.
Too small a MIDI buffer is the most common reason for randomly skipped MIDI notes.
Secondly: If you have written notation that goes outside the range of the instrument in question, you'll get only
silence for those notes.
SONAR PE 8.5.3, Asus P5B, 2,4 Ghz Dual Core, 4 Gb RAM, GF 7300, EMU 1820, Bluetube Pre - Kontakt4, Ozone, Addictive Drums, PSP Mixpack2, Melda Creative Pack, Melodyne Plugin etc.
The benefit of being a middle aged amateur is the low number of years of frustration ahead of you.