Moving Multiple Tracks
I have a project with 8 recorded tracks. There is "blank space" at the beginning that I want to trim, so I selected all tracks, placed the cursor at the correct beginning point and used command+S to split all the tracks. Then, I delete the blank space. This leaves the song now starting at the 0:05 point instead of the 0:00 point. I now want to move all tracks back to the 0:00 point. How do I do this?
I've tried to select all tracks and drag them back to the 0:00 point using the smart tool and the move tool but as soon as I click on one of the tracks, only the track I clicked on is selected and the other tracks are deselected. Of course, I could move them one at a time, but I am thinking there should be a way to move all the tracks at once.
What am I doing wrong?