Moving midi notes or grid lines

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2017/04/22 17:00:40 (permalink)

Moving midi notes or grid lines

I do own a Tyros 5 keyboard and when editing a song which uses the Internal sounds of the Tyros I get notes moving after I save a session.
If I go back to do some more editing later notes move slightly off the grid lines and mybe up to a sixteenth or eighth out
I have a I7 computer with 12 gig of ram and being just editing note  information the system is bearly working or being taxed.
Why does midi notes move off grid or is the grid moving????
All the best

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    Re: Moving midi notes or grid lines 2017/04/26 00:12:32 (permalink)
    Hi Can anyone understand why I get this problem
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    Re: Moving midi notes or grid lines 2017/04/26 09:39:01 (permalink)
    I have gone through my song and actually the  most the notes have moved is up to a sixtyfourth.
    This even reflects In the event list.
    It must be that the Tyros 5 Is uncompatible with Sonar for some reason
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    Re: Moving midi notes or grid lines 2017/04/26 20:42:37 (permalink)
    Well It seems I have been sent to Coventry!!! "English expression for ignoring someone"
    I have made a big boo boo and i do not mind admitting it
    I set the snap feature up right and eventually the penny dropped.
    The grid had 24 squares to the next bar."Oh no"!!! 12 /8 grid resolution on a 4/4 song SAUSAGES!!!
    notes like drunken sailors,will not stay still!!!" I need a magic mushroom"
    I looked a few times at the grid res which is on the pvr and noticed in horror that I was using triplet res on ther grid
    UGAWOGA!! what next!! nobody is perfect!!!  "only me"!!!
    It is really odd when you look too hard you miss the simple things  "Me"
    Well It must be my age at 66 and It is no use running from the Grim Reaper now!!!
    All the best
    Cactus Music
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    Re: Moving midi notes or grid lines 2017/04/26 23:22:16 (permalink)
    I wasn't ignoring you, It's just I know squat about using something like a Tyros 
    Don't feel bad, I've had at least 6 threads fade into oblivion with no answers. 
    In the end, like you, I answered myself   :) 

    Johnny V  
    Focusrite 6i61st - Tascam us1641. 
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    Re: Moving midi notes or grid lines 2017/04/27 01:22:01 (permalink)
    Hi John
    I was not having a go at you.
    It was just annoying no answers came through and I was sgetting a little frustrated with things.
    What a fool I was missing that .
    I was having a go at Spandau Ballets True and actually there are also a lot of half beat rests at the begining of bars.Having grid res on triplets made a right mess of editing.
    I am playing a lot of cover music to get the playing and reading music dexterity up and also getting the timings right of different styles of songs ,which i think Is important.
    Later I plan to do my own music.I am not Into all the dj type music strapping samples together,Only good prog rock my bag and melodic electronic. Love Ozric Tentacles great band..
    I had a look today at cubase Elements and downloaded the trial.
    That crashed my computer and It seems so difficult to get around.To me It is all bits and pieces strung together.
    I unloaded that quick sharp.
    I use Sonar for my Tyros editing as It has been very good and easy to get around , but there Is lots to learn.
    Midiworks Is fairly good for the Tyros and with that you can mix midi on the fly and balance everything ready for recording.Just using the trial for no to see what happens
    Oh well , I thought I was "Billy no mates"
    al the best
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