Music Creator 5 & Music Creator 7, Aside from plugins can you load bundle files?
I have purchased 3 versions of Music Creator since starting to use Cakewalk software, the 1st was MC4 and ever since I have liked the software.
Kinda got sidetracked and give reaper a try, the main reason was the vocal correction software that comes inside of it with the REATUNE plugin embedded in Reapers software.
Long story short, I purchased MC7 recently and the only problem I have with it is trying to work with programming my drums using the SMART TOOL, I like the SMART TOOL with everything else except trying to program drums in PIANO ROLL view. I am just more accustomed to using the traditional Piano Roll drum maps and such when programming drums, and easier drum maps to work with.
Or in other words install my Music Creator 5 with Music Creator 7 already installed. I am wanting to keep my NEW PC with only my essential software installed, and it's just something I am installing that I will never use then I don't want to install it.
Aside from plugins which I suspect are hard wired to MC7, can I load an MC7 Bundle file in a MC5 program and work in retrospect between the two?
Or in other words, I am just interested in the drum tracks. I Know there are multiple options, I am wondering about the saving of the CAKEWALK BUNDLE files and if they will work hand in hand. Or in other words, If I load a Cakewalk Bundle file that I created in MC7 and it say's "Those VST's are only for MC7", If I save that Cakewalk Bundle file IN MC5 and then RE-IMPORT it into MC7 where all plug in's are available for that version. If it would still work right?
Sorry this is probably something I might just have to try for myself. But the thing is I just got a new Electric guitar to record with and a brand new computer a couple weeks ago and I am being very careful with it, I don't want to install anything that I'm not going to use and I do make regular IMAGE backups and use software that snapshots for removal before removing anything, but still, I just don't wanna waste my time one something that might not work at all if someone can tell me who might know?
As for MC7, I'm thrilled with it so far, except the PIANO ROLL/SMART TOOL and programming drums.
Something I would suggest with at least the MUSIC CREATOR series of software, and that would be that perhaps they include a "RETRO" function for earlier versions of cakewalk software to ease some of us older users into working with the newer features. Perhaps that is asking too much and I realize that what MC does years ago was probably considered an impossible task. But it's just a suggestion, at least on things like PIANO ROLL where working with MIDI and DRUMS are concerned.
Sorry such a long message. Haven't been around here for a while and I wanted to try and explain why I use Music Creator software and how I use it.
I know I could work with a mixdown and just the midi track and work with things that way, I'm just wondering how backwards compatible they might be, so that I might could save/load and re-load in MC7 after programming the drums in MC5?
Thanks in advance for any replies. And Happy Holidays everyone!
post edited by Serious_Noize! - December 22, 15 9:30 PM