Re:Music Creator 5 and Line 6 GX problems
2012/05/21 16:58:42
OK, in that case let's try something and if that doesn't work we'll try something else.
first thing to try is changing your driver mode to ASIO
click APPLY
if that doesn't fix it, we'll need to open the LINE6 software by clicking on the ASIO button at the bottom of that window and then you'll need to find the HARDWARE BUFFERS. I don't know where to tell you to look for those because I don't own a LINE6 unit, but it will be somewhere in that software that pops up for the lINE6.
once you find the hardware buffers, INCREASE them until you don't have your problem any more. it may take some trial and error. increase them a little, check it, if it still does it, increase them some more....