Re: My Baby Niece's Downtempo Track
2015/06/24 22:05:28
Jeff Evans
I love it. I think you have done a great job working out her key! Once you do get a key and progression settled it is amazing how many notes of hers pitch well against the music. She is talented and signing notes she may have been hearing for a while. It does not surprise me. My wife was very pregnant with my son while singing in Jazz vocal ensembles. He has turned out to be a stellar drummer. I used to play him tracks like 'Birdland' through headphones pressed on my wifes tummy. Some killer grooves must have gone in.
After he was born we never tip toed around him either. He just slept through endless band, jazz and classical rehearsals and me composing documentary music.
I hope you niece gets to hear as much music as she can. It will all influence her. If she doesn't end up in the musical world I would be very surprised.
Thanks. Yeah it was kind of easy putting all this together. I didn't have to do much wrangling. In fact I have a much tougher time fixing vocal tracks sung by grown adults! lol
My niece lives out in the East Coast, but I did get to visit her last winter when she was a wee 2-3 month-old. I played Christmas music for her on the piano and even rocked her to sleep with some original lullabies. She's quite the little muse!
Yeah my niece seems to have music in her blood. My sister took piano lessons for a few years and plays some pieces for her every once in a while. I think she even played her some of my music when she was still in the womb. She tells me the baby enjoys Sarah Vaughn, James Brown and early Jackson Five. My niece's paternal grandfather also sang and her paternal grandmother taught piano when she was younger.
Elson Trinidad Los Angeles, CA, USA
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MB: ASRock X79 Xtreme4
RAM: Corsair Vengeance 16GB DDR3
Audio: Focusrite Scarlett 18i20 2nd Generation
MIDI: MOTU Microlite & Novation Impulse 61