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My Band
Music Video Die Schwarzen Ladas - Gott hat gegeben Album available at: This is the stuff I created with my first Dark Side Mod in Spring. Recorded with SONAR X1b Producer & Dark Side and Dystopia Mods (not released in public). I composed, recorded, mixed, engineered song and played all instruments except drums. You can blame only me if there's something wrong.  This song was made after midnight in quite a dark room. Not suitable for sunshine or happy southern people! First violin sound in the song is from Dimension Pro with Sonitus Reverb. Out of tune bells are from Dimension Pro, too. Verse pads are from Korg M3-R synth rack module. Other sounds are from Dimension Pro, Crazy Diamonds VSTi, Rapture and maybe something is from z3ta+, too. Bass & drums are played live. Vocal chain: Pearlman TM-2 tube mic -> my DIY 1176 compressor -> Apogee converter -> SONAR -> ProChannel 1176+EQ+heavy tube sat + Sonitus Delay + Perfect Space. Bass: Fender American Deluxe Jazz Bass -> Electro-Harmonix Octave Multiplexer -> some overdrive pedals -> TC Electronic RH-450 head -> ProChannel 1176+EQ. Guitar: Gibson Les Paul -> Fulltone overdrive -> Boss BD-2 -> TC Electronic Nova System -> MXR 90 -> Analog Delay -> EH spring reverb -> Mesa/Boogie MK III -> Sennheiser MD441 & AKG C414B-ULS -> Guitar Rig5. Greetings from Die Schwarzen Ladas from Köln, Germany and Helsinki, Finland
post edited by panup - October 23, 11 8:51 PM
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Re:My Band
October 07, 11 10:35 AM
Seriously serious Panup. Excellent everything. Very PRO.....(except the length:)
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Re:My Band
October 07, 11 12:46 AM
This was a way cool listen All was well done. The bells just did it for me.
Sonar Platimum, Win10 32bit, Quad Q6600,4G DDR2 Ram, BCF2000, Lexicon Lambda interface,Tascam US 1800, WD 500 GB HD, M-Audio AV40 Monitors, Line 6 DI Gold, Guitar Rig 5 Pro, hand full of guitars, Kawia PH50 Keyboard,Digitech GNX3
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Re:My Band
October 07, 11 1:18 PM
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Re:My Band
October 07, 11 2:37 PM
This is very cool! It's like Alice in Chains and Soundgarden all rolled up in one but still you have your own unique style. Which one is the awesome coder?! Very well done!
Notation, the original DAW. Everything else is just rote. We are who we are and no more than another. Humans, you people are crazy. Win 7 x64 X2 Intel DX58SO, Intel i7 920 2.66ghz 12gb DDR3 ASUS ATI EAH5750 650w PSU 4x WD HDs 320gb DVD, DVD RW Eleven Rack, KRK Rokit 8s and 10s sub
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Re:My Band
October 07, 11 3:40 PM
made after midnight in quite a dark room. Not suitable for sunshine or happy southern people! Nothing wrong with that! Nice song, production too.
Life is not about waiting for the storm to pass, it's about learning to dance in the rain. Karma has a way of finding its own way home.
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Danny Danzi
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Re:My Band
October 07, 11 3:43 PM
Oh man Panu...this is awesome brother!!!! I so wish I played guitar on this! Hahahaha! Which one of the guys in the vid is you? All the instruments sounded great in this....very atmospheric! Totally loved it! That's you singing?! Sheesh....incredible man! Awesome job on everything! :) -Danny
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Re:My Band
October 07, 11 3:56 PM
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Re:My Band
October 07, 11 3:57 PM
BTW, Don't let Danny play guitar on this. It would be so awesome the fabric of the universe would unravel for sure.
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Re:My Band
October 07, 11 8:52 PM
Danny Danzi Oh man Panu...this is awesome brother!!!! I so wish I played guitar on this! Hahahaha! Which one of the guys in the vid is you? All the instruments sounded great in this....very atmospheric! Totally loved it! That's you singing?! Sheesh....incredible man! Awesome job on everything! :) -Danny I'm the guy behind keyboard "stand" playing bass... I play everything else but drums AND sing. Thanks for your feedback (all commenters!). I had a good time composing and recording this song. This was not the longest song in the album... First song is 16 minutes. One song is about 10 min. This one was a short, 8 min single.
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Re:My Band
October 07, 11 8:57 PM
Guitarpima This is very cool! It's like Alice in Chains and Soundgarden all rolled up in one but still you have your own unique style. Which one is the awesome coder?! Very well done! I'm the bass player. Hahaha, we have a gig in January 2012. There are three members in this band and I should handle guitars, bass and keyboards at the same time. We can't take other people in the band because it would ruin our magic atmosphere in the band. I probably try to play guitar, bass and kbd at the same time in a real gig, too. :-)
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Re:My Band
October 08, 11 2:50 PM
Seriously good stuff. I little long but very well done. I need to download your mods, maybe then my stuff will sound this good.
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Re:My Band
October 08, 11 2:59 PM
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Re:My Band
October 10, 11 5:22 PM
markno999 Seriously good stuff. I little long but very well done. I need to download your mods, maybe then my stuff will sound this good. Believe or not, mods have influence on your music. I enjoy X1 more when using my mods because the standard look is too "official" and uninspiring.
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Re:My Band
October 10, 11 5:44 PM
I believe you about the mod influencing your work, that is one of the reasons I haven't actually started using X1 yet, although I have installed the lasted X1C patch. I was going to install your Mod but then X1C was on the way so thought I would wait until that came out, then got busy doing other stuff so haven't installed it yet. Looking forward to it. That will be my next project after setting up IK ARC System tonight. I put the smiley face because while the Mod may inspire a good work-flow, it will still take me a long time to match the quality of your production. It sounds 100% top notch pro... Regards
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Re:My Band
October 10, 11 6:24 PM
Thanks :). This song is based heavily on acoustic instruments found in my studio. I have noticed it's so much easier to get lively sound when using real drums (and drummer) compared to sample libraries. I have decent microphones, preamps, converters, rack effects, tracking room, control room and monitors + 15 years experience. It all helps to achieve the organic sound I'm after but mods make still the difference! ;-)
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Re:My Band
October 10, 11 10:10 PM
Panup, The video and song blew me away! Great job, sound, mix, song! So creative and expresses a ton of emotion. Hats off to the band. Rimshot
Rimshot Sonar Platinum 64 (Lifer), Studio One V3.5, Notion 6, Steinberg UR44, Zoom R24, Purrrfect Audio Pro Studio DAW (Case: Silent Mid Tower, Power Supply: 600w quiet, Haswell CPU: i7 4790k @ 4.4GHz (8 threads), RAM: 16GB DDR3/1600 , OS drive: 1TB HD, Audio drive: 1TB HD), Windows 10 x64 Anniversary, Equator D5 monitors, Faderport, FP8, Akai MPK261
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Re:My Band
October 10, 11 10:28 PM
On the radio, a great song. If they would play an 8 min song. The video was a cool concept but drove me nuts seeing the drummer not playing what I was hearing. Mix and song were great!
Sonar Platinum - A&H ZED R16 - KRK VXT4's - Yamaha DTXpress IV & Gretsch Catalina Maple kits "Music is what feelings sound like"
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Re:My Band
October 11, 11 5:48 AM
totally pro sound, it has that modern rock sound but with definite Floyd and prog-rock influences - from a metal POV not a million miles away from Wolverine or Green Carnation. You could easily cut this down to get a more radio-friendly length if you wanted, but i know how it is to touch your art! Congrats on this, it's also nice to see one of the posters from up above come down and get their hands dirty!
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Re:My Band
October 11, 11 6:26 AM
I made this song knowing that it would never go to radio because it's too long. I don't care! If anyone ever buys the CD, (s)he'll have time to listen the whole song...:-) Oh and I'm sorry for the not-so-perfect video sync. Drummer and video editor had great trouble getting synced to the music... Behind the camera music is played from my car's CD player. There was not enough volume for the drummer and each time he hits drum or cymbal he can't hear playback music for a while. This anti-pro style was a decision. Officially band comes from DDR. They did not have FullHD back then. mgh, I already had to cut another song which was 16 minutes song. Youtube limit was 15 minutes. I felt like I was cutting my own fingers when making song fit in the limit.
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Re:My Band
October 16, 11 2:54 PM
This I like - epic sound ! Could have ended at 4:18 for me, but I'm not a big fan of loooooonnngg songs, so that's just me as opposed to a crit of your work. Nice to see the big boys form upstair coming down to play with us underlings (and showing how it's done) ;)
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Re:My Band
October 16, 11 3:04 PM
Panup - This is fantastic! Very well done, I loved it
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Re:My Band
October 16, 11 3:31 PM
Panup - this is some seriously great stuff! Would love to see this live. Great video and great song. I like the production and that voice is friggin' great! Well done and keep them coming - Yeah, it's a tad long. But you make it work.
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Re:My Band
October 16, 11 9:59 PM
Thank you for your feedback! It's nice to hear you've liked the song (and production). Talking about production... Here's a screen capture of the song in SONAR: Project Screen Capture It looks normal except Kick & Snare tracks which I gated manually by splitting and making optimal fade-ins and outs to each hit. I removed manually some noise from the bass track, too. There's an ukulele track but I removed it from the mix. It was my latest instrument and I had to try it. Album CD is coming out in 3 weeks :-). -Panu
Freddy J
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Re:My Band
October 16, 11 10:18 PM
Great video and terrific number. Excellent work! Freddy J
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Re:My Band
October 17, 11 6:01 PM
Video was killer ! Enjoyed . The B/W fit this real well. Loved the "old" film effect. Bells add a nice touch. Tim
Outback Remote Recording, 16 or 24 track mobile rig.
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Re:My Band
October 25, 11 8:51 PM