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October 13, 11 10:38 PM (permalink)

My October Symphony

Work in progress , but would love some feedback...
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Re:My October Symphony October 14, 11 11:18 AM (permalink)
I think you have a good start here.

It's technicly not a symphony though. If I were playing in an orchestra (I used to play the upright bass) and this tune came up,  I would probably dread rehersing it. Not because it's not a bad tune but it's a pop tune.

You can do one of two things IMO. Keep the pop thing going but add a drum kit, some guitars and vocals. It could be a very good tune like that. It could also be a symphony but taking that mundane pulsing away and add more structure underneath the melody to support it. More motion supporting the melody would make it much more interesting. It's not easy coming up with countermelodies  and keeping a good harmony but the more you do it, the easier it becomes.

I think the transitions could be smoother. They seem to abrupt. Maybe that's what you were going for.

I would remove all reverb from all the instruments and use one reverb bus and emulate a space. The way they are now is too uneven and it just doesn't sound that good.

Another issue is panning. You can leave certain percussion and the bass in the center but there are diagrams of orchestra setups on the web, you can place  things where they should be in the stereo field. 

I look forward to hearing you keep working on this.

NIce work!

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Re:My October Symphony October 14, 11 3:33 PM (permalink)
I agree with guitarpima, either go one way or the other with this.

I would like to hear this direction going in the direction of  a more popped version of "stereo love".

I loved the melody and riffs, right up my street.

It needs some more parts, im defo hearing an off-beat congan near the middle there....


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Re:My October Symphony October 14, 11 11:24 PM (permalink)
The basic composition is fine, but this is not orchestrated for a string section as it would be played by real string players. The non-stop low contra-bass gets tiresome. You should use cellos as the primary bass instrument and use the contra-basses to double the cellos an octave lower for points of contrast, drama and depth. Basic writing for strings isn't that difficult. Here are some concepts that really helped me. The basic string section consists of: Violins 1 Violins 2 Violas Cellos. The most obvious arrangement of these instruments is triadic shapes in the upper strings (both violins and violas) over a root tone (cello). This basic arrangement works terrific for using the entire string section as harmonic accompaniment for a vocal or various woodwinds. #2. If you need more notes in the harmony and/or you want to have part of the string section be the accompaniment for a string melody (like your piece), then you need to divide the strings, a.k.a "divisi". There are many ways to do this, but the thing to remember is that the more divided the string sections are, the smaller and more transparent it sounds, in spite of the greater number of notes being sounded harmonically. Unfortunately, most sample libraries do the opposite of what happens in real life, i.e., playing two notes with a 16-player violin 1 patch does not result in 8 players on one note and the other 8 on the other note. Instead it becomes a louder "32-player" violin section. Generally, the first place to start dividing is with the cellos. Half the players will be playing the low root tone, while the other half play the next highest harmonic tone. So the upper half of the cellos, violas and violins 2 can be the "triad" and violins 1 play the melody. After that, you can try other configurations like Violins 1 and Violins 2 play the melody an octave apart, divide the violas (upper 2 notes of the triad) and divide the cellos (bottom note is the root, the upper note would be the bottom note of the triad). Hopefully you're getting the gist of what I'm saying. Peace, J ("one minute free" mastering) (free Sonar mixing template and Ozone mastering preset)
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Re:My October Symphony October 15, 11 8:29 PM (permalink) ☄ Helpful
I have to agree that this is not technically 'symphonic,' but don't let that discourage you from writing orchestral pieces.  You may be onto something new or unique so it is worth doing what you want instead of following some ancient cookbook. 
The transition at 0:47 is real bad though.
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Re:My October Symphony October 18, 11 0:55 PM (permalink)

Hi guys, thanks so much for feedback ..... and thanks so much for listening... 

Guitarpima I will take that in account...

post edited by PCODE - October 18, 11 1:02 AM
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Re:My October Symphony October 18, 11 1:25 AM (permalink)
jsaras: thanks for the advice...
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