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Mysterious silence/"muting" across multiple channels of a project--help?
Hello all! (Cross-posting this to the problem report forum as it probably should have been there in the first place--sorry!) I'm encountering a very odd problem on a project that I'm currently mixing. At about a minute into the song, half the tracks suddenly have no audio whatsoever. This happens with several of the tracks simultaneously (8 or so drum tracks, bass) and three others slightly afterwards (tambourine, guitar and room mic). All of these tracks are currently routed to busses, but not the same busses. The audio goes silent, at the exact same place each playback, and then comes back about fifteen seconds later, again always at the same place. Compounding the mystery, the takes themselves are still visible on their individual tracks. This is definitely not some weird muting that I've somehow accidentally automated--the signal just disappears on the channel, even while the audio clip is still visible. I've checked take lanes--there are just the individual clips. I've turned off all effects--still no help. I've soloed the channels in question--they still "go dark" at the same place. Anyone have any insight into what might have happened, and what I might do to make it right? Anyone have any ideas at all? I've been mixing with various versions of Cakewalk since 2008 or so so I'm fairly confident this isn't a signal-chain problem in the normal sense. I've certainly never encountered this before. Here is a video of the behavior! I also have a (much older) version of the project with the basic tracks (but no vocal overdubs, mix, etc) that isn't exhibiting the behavior, so that's my backup plan, but with the complexity of the mix that I have so far, I'm hoping to avoid that if possible. Thanks for any insight you all might have for me!
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Re: Mysterious silence/"muting" across multiple channels of a project--help?
December 18, 18 8:38 PM
Hey Sean, have you tried restarting the PC? Just kidding man. So I'm not known to be capable of offering advice around here and hopefully someone with far more experience will help you, but I have a suggestion based on my own experience. First though, is that SPLAT or CbB? It's possible that that Cakewalk session got corrupted somehow somewhere w/ the busses "connections" as it were or something else, as this happens to me w/ CbB now and again, where I have the time line glitch when I press space bar to stop and it will just hang for 3 seconds before rewinding and the only way to fix it is to port the contents of the session into a clean new session. I've gotten to where I deleted absolutely everything (tracks, plugs, instr) in the session and still the glitch remains and only a clean new session fixes it, and then sometimes an aux which was previously working just stops working properly for no reason. I know this isn't your specific problem but what I think *may* be happening is an inexplicable corruption within your Cakewalk session somewhere. This is just what I'd try and have done w/ success: For the buses that you think to have this problem first take note of your plugs and settings on them then try reinstantiating those buses. But the problem may broader than just w/ the busses...
So what I usually do when things get messed up for no reason and I lose confidence in the session's stability is I highlight *every single thing* in the session on the track view *and* the busses in console view and all instruments - the whole darn session - and I save the whole lot as a template. Then I open a clean new blank session, load in the template and bam, there goes my whole previous session ported over to the new clean Cakewalk session. It's easy to do and no real risk and thus far it's worked for me every time.
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Re: Mysterious silence/"muting" across multiple channels of a project--help?
December 19, 18 4:58 AM
Hello csnack! Thanks so much for taking a crack at it! I really appreciate it. I had a good feeling about your very clever solution... Unfortunately, no dice in this instance. I was able to save the project as a template with no problem. And I loaded it into a new project. But...ARGH. The problem was back! And...double AARGH! The new project is glitchy/crashes in a way the original project never did! Man. I really might be remixing this thing! What a weird problem.
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Re: Mysterious silence/"muting" across multiple channels of a project--help?
December 19, 18 5:23 AM
Oh and this project was starter on Sonar Platinum and is now in CWBBL. Haven't tried bringing it back into SPlat yet!
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Re: Mysterious silence/"muting" across multiple channels of a project--help?
December 19, 18 6:16 AM
Okay, I opened the project up in my old Sonar (actually Sonar Professional) and, even weirder than before...the glitch still happens, but at a different place, over different tracks, for a shorter duration! WEEEEIIIIRD.
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Re: Mysterious silence/"muting" across multiple channels of a project--help?
December 19, 18 12:14 AM
Have you tried starting a new project, then dragging your existing project into the your new one via the Media Browser? It sounds like your project has somehow got corrupted, so maybe importing the tracks via the Media Browser might help to sort it out. I've used this method to successfully sort out issues with projects created with much earlier versions of Sonar.
Mark McLeod Cakewalk by BL | ASUS P8B75-V, Intel I5 3570 16GB RAM Win 10 64 + Win 7 64/32 SSD HD's, Scarlett 18i20 / 6i6 | ASUS ROG GL552VW 16GB RAM Win 10 64 SSD HD's, Scarlett 2i2 | Behringer Truth B2030A / Edirol MA-5A | Mackie MCU + C4 + XT | 2 x BCF2000, Korg NanoKontrol Studio
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Re: Mysterious silence/"muting" across multiple channels of a project--help?
December 19, 18 1:20 PM
Try selecting the clips in a track and bouncing to a new clip. This will not change any automation, but if you have any clip effects or clip automation, that will be printed into the new clip. It can sometimes happen that Sonar can lose track of things if there are a lot of clips. Regards, Dan
Mixing is all about control. My music: or Studiocat Advanced Studio DAW (Intel i5 3550 @ 3.7GHz, Z77 motherboard, 16GB Ram, lots of HDDs), Sonar Plat, Mackie 1604, PreSonus Audiobox 44VSL, ESI 4x4 Midi Interface, Ibanez Bass, Custom Fender Mexi-Strat, NI S88, Roland JV-2080 & MDB-1, Komplete, Omnisphere, Lots o' plugins.
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Re: Mysterious silence/"muting" across multiple channels of a project--help?
December 19, 18 5:40 PM
Hello Mark!
Thanks for the suggestion. Importing via the Media Browser does indeed work! However, then I've lost what is otherwise a finished, very complicated mix. I don't suppose you have any other ideas along these lines? Hello Dan! Thanks for the suggestion. It's a good one! Unfortunately, it didn't change anything in this case. Man, starting to thing I might need to face up to the inevitable total remix @_@
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Re: Mysterious silence/"muting" across multiple channels of a project--help?
December 19, 18 7:52 PM
HEY HEY HEY I solved it! All of the great ideas above got me thinking about what exactly must be going in under the hood, and if there was a way to maintain all the automation effects etc while tricking the program into thinking it's a new track. Welllll I took each of the effected tracks and, one by one, made a copy using the "Duplicate Track" function, and un-checked the "Events" box (so it's making a duplicate below the original corrupted track, with all of the effects, automation etc but none of the clips). Then I simply shift-moved the clips to the new track, and deleted the corrupted one. Voila! Done in a few minutes. All of this got me thinking about what precipitated all of this in the first place, and I remembered I had attempted to make a duplicate of the vocal track (for archival purposes-- after finishing the BGV comp, I wanted to keep the unflattened version in an archived folder) and had accidentally duplicated EVERY track, and not noticed for a while, and had to go back and delete all the new copies. This was definitely a day before I noticed the weird glitch in the file. So maybe this is the precipitating event. Anyway, I hope noone has this event happen to them but if they do, hopefully they'll find this thread!
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Re: Mysterious silence/"muting" across multiple channels of a project--help?
December 20, 18 0:33 PM
Right on plus I was just coming back to tell you to try the duplicate track trick 😁. I have the corrupted session thing happen for me in CbB like 1 in 20, which is lame and as I've used cakewalk exclusively since pro 8 and I've no idea if other daws behave this way(?) So this thread could be helpful to me at some point unfortunately
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Re: Mysterious silence/"muting" across multiple channels of a project--help?
December 20, 18 4:13 PM
Hah! So this is a known fix eh? At least, a fix you've used. Good to know! And man, 5% of your projects...sheesh! I would think if everyone were encountering this kind of thing on a regular basis people would just stop using the program. Do you use a lot of automation? A lot of audio tracks? Really wonder what it is.