NEW REQUEST: Shortcut for Midi Effects page

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December 18, 16 6:24 AM (permalink)

NEW REQUEST: Shortcut for Midi Effects page

As there are no shortcuts to Cakewalk MIDI effects, one has to right click and navigate 3 pages to get to MIDI effects box an any MIDI object.
Is there a possibility to directly attach them to the initial right clikc context menu ?
post edited by ghanedan - December 18, 16 8:09 AM

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    Re: NEW REQUEST: Shortcut for Midi Effects page December 18, 16 7:31 AM (permalink)
    These threads will be better off in the right place
    So users can vote on them.
    However your question:
    You can also grab Midi plug ins from the Browser. Simply drag and drop them from the Browser in to the FX bin = 1 move.

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    Re: NEW REQUEST: Shortcut for Midi Effects page December 18, 16 8:25 AM (permalink)
    Hi Chuck,
    Thanks for your answer.
    The workaround you offer does not seem natural and limits some space in the work area.
    I believe a right click on any midi object should directly bring a menu like MIDI Effects with the next hierarchical level would be the effect itself.
    I remember this as the default behavior up until some Cakewalk versions in history ( Might be up to CWPA 9 ), but then the workflow to access to the midi effects transformed in to the way it is now. Because at some point in history software synths were incorporated into Sonar, so if it is an VST instrument clip, it can have both midi and audio data.
    For example the current way to access Cakewalk Quantize effect:
    ( Action 1 ) Right Click --> ( Action 2 ) Process Effect --> ( Action 3 ) Midi Effects --> (Action 4 ) Select the desired effect.
    Imagine if I am not using a VST instrument but an external hardware synth, then Action 3 is pointless, as I cannot insert any audio effect on a pure MIDI object.
    Although I would not also like the presence of Action 2, becuase of the proper UNDO function in Sonar I rarely insert a MIDI effect as insert effect on an object.
    At least, this is not the most casual way to do if I want to use a MIDI effect, so it shouldn't be an option all the time, when acceessing a simple quantize effect.
    ( EDIT: I just checked on Sonar Platinum and it seems you cannot even insert an audio effect to a VST instrmuent MIDI object, so Action 3 is totally redundant and pointless in right click / context menu )
    Kind Regards,
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    Re: NEW REQUEST: Shortcut for Midi Effects page December 18, 16 8:41 AM (permalink)
    ( EDIT: I just checked on Sonar Platinum and it seems you cannot even insert an audio effect to a VST instrmuent MIDI object, so Action 3 is totally redundant and pointless in right click / context menu )

    A midi object ?
    Maybe there is a misunderstanding in the terminology. I use Audio FX on midi tracks all the time.
    The Browser can easily be hidden or shown by using the shortcut "B". So its not really wasting space if you open it and close it. besides, its less steps than what your doing now.
    Most of this conversation is pointless unless its posted in the correct place.
    The feature request forum so it can be voted on. Im simply trying to help you find a work around.
    I see you already did put this in the feature request forum.

    Windows 8.1 X64 Sonar Platinum x64
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    Re: NEW REQUEST: Shortcut for Midi Effects page December 18, 16 9:06 AM (permalink)
    A midi object ?
    Maybe there is a misunderstanding in the terminology. I use Audio FX on midi tracks all the time.

    Yes a midi obejct, not a midi track. For me,  a midi object is a midi CLIP, and individual take :)
    The Browser can easily be hidden or shown by using the shortcut "B".

    Yes but then, let's count the steps,
    1- Click "B"
    2- Click "Plug-Ins" tab.
    3- Click "MIDI FX"
    4- Select the fx.
    5- Drag and drop on the "object" / "clip"
    6- Click "B" to hide.
    That makes even longer. And rather than composing music, you are now an Octopus with a mouse and keyboard for a single quantize function.
    Oh wait you already did put this in the feature request forum

    I did but the Sonar team was unresponsive.
    I am a platinum member, I deserve an aswer IMHO.

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    Re: NEW REQUEST: Shortcut for Midi Effects page December 18, 16 10:47 AM (permalink)
    +1 (1)
    The Browser can easily be hidden or shown by using the shortcut "B".

    Yes but then, let's count the steps,
    1- Click "B"
    2- Click "Plug-Ins" tab.
    3- Click "MIDI FX"
    4- Select the fx.
    5- Drag and drop on the "object" / "clip"
    6- Click "B" to hide.

    Browser settings persist. If you consider drag and drop "unnatural" (although drag and drop is becoming the preferred method for many operations - cf Ableton Live, Studio One), I assume you probably don't use the browser much. So choose MIDI FX once, and whenever you type B, the plug-ins will show up, ready to drag and drop. Then when you count the steps...
    1 Type B
    2 Drag and drop
    3 (optional) Click B to hide
    If you do use the Browser, if MIDI FX had been selected previously in the browser at one ponit but a different browser tab is showing, it's the same number of steps:
    1 Click on the Plug-Ins tab
    2 Drag and drop
    3 (optional) Click B to hide
    That doesn't seem too onerous.
    Your proposed method would definitely be faster if you didn't want to use the browser, however, I believe the reason for right-clicking and going through a tree is if you have other MIDI FX installed and want to categorize them. Your proposed approach would not allow categorization. For example I have three different folders of MIDI FX. If they were all in one long list, I would find that annoying. When presented with multiple options, Cakewalk usually chooses methods that can apply to multiple user needs instead of a specific use case.
    Also although I'm not a programmer I believe there needs to be code commonality. There's no way the audio FX could be chosen without categorization - imagine if you had to scroll through a list of a thousand plug-ins to get to the one you want. So the MIDI FX have categorization as well.
    I am a platinum member, I deserve an answer IMHO.

    If everyone who posted a request demanded an answer, no work would ever be done on SONAR itself - the dev team would spend all day getting involved in dialogues about features people wanted. Besides, there can be only three answers:
    1 We're not planning on doing it, we have other priorities that affect a greater number of users (e.g., ripple editing).
    2 We think it's a good idea. We'll see if other users think it's important enough to justify devoting resources to it.
    3 We are planning to do this at some point.
    I would be willing to bet the answer would be (1).

    The first 3 books in "The Musician's Guide to Home Recording" series are available from Hal Leonard and Listen to my music on, and visit Thanks!
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    Re: NEW REQUEST: Shortcut for Midi Effects page December 18, 16 11:09 AM (permalink)
    I would be willing to bet the answer would be (1).

    Many thanks for your detailed answer, which does route me to use Sonar in a specific way that you would like me to use it.
    I can now admit that using the browser, in a very specific way without playing with its tab much, is still not a workaround for what I would like to.
    Let's write down the facts.
    1- I don't like the idea to drag and drop graphs from huge bulky browser window for editing tiny MIDI events or clips.
    For example: In MIDI editor ( Piano Roll )  I can select 5 individual notes out of 100 notes and want a MIDI fx to applied to them. In this scenario I am really not sure even if the browser based drag&drop will work, because sometimes these events are microscopic to identify to put the dragged object on., and as well they might be in different locations. 
    Selecting them by mouse is easier though and then right cliking and applying a midi effect to all of them is easier for most of the human beings.
    And indeed the only way to do it currently is to do it from the uppermost context meny ( Menu name: "Process" )
    Why ? Because piano roll literally BLOCKS the browser, which hides behind it.
    EDIT: Selecting MIDI fx on piano roll by right clicking was available up to a certan Cakewalk version in history. It is not now, the only way is to use the "process" menu.
    2- The right click on mouse on a specific MIDI clip and select effect is already available in Sonar.
    But I don't understand and you don't seem to answer the question, that why I need to select the effect type as "MIDI effect" rather than an "Audio Effect", even tough it is clear that I am operating on a MIDI clip ? Althoguh you can categorize your MIDI effects, you don't need to categorize and use Audio effects, on a MIDI object.
    On the other hand, even Audio FX has an option to be decategorized from VST context menu option. ( Plug-In Layouts / Sort By bla bla )
    To sum up: It seems that you prefer Ipad type of GUIs to Cakewalks original roots for simplicity. I am using this product for 20 years now and if my feedback are accepted as arbitrary I may even need to switch to a different sequencer, ( not to the ones you mention, but some serious sequencers )
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