Re: NI Maschine MK2 Vst does not work
October 14, 16 2:28 PM
Music Creator 7 can be downloaded as either a 32 bit or 64 bit program. Since most of your 32 bit VSTs work fine you likely have the 32 bit Music Creator 7 installed. Use Windows Explorer to look at your hard drive and see where Music Creator is installed. If it is installed under C:/Program Files it is 64 bit. If the program is installed under C:/Program Files (86) it is 32 bit.
I'm assuming you have the 32 bit version of Music Creator 7. When you use a 64 bit VST inside a 32 bit program you need an app to "bridge" the gap between 32 bit and 64 bit.
I believe, but do not know for sure, that Music Creator has a built-in app called Bit Bridge to perform that function.
Also. if you are using the 32 bit version of Music Creator it will only use "about" 4 gigabyte of memory even though your computer motherboard may have far more memory than that installed. The combination of Music Creator and Maschine MK2 may require more memory than Music Creator can manage. I just don't know.