Need Shopping Advice
I've noticed that once I have 10 or so instances of Dimension Pro running I get 2 second latency from my digital piano. My computer is dying anyway. It hangs and crashes getting into Windows half the time and blue screens from time to time. I'm planning on building a new computer.
Anyway, I need help choosing my audio interface.
I currently have an EMU 0202. It works OK but has no software patchmix and sometimes has to be turned off and back on a few times before Windows will see it. I also wonder if contributes to my latency issues.
Currently, I just have a condenser microphone and a digital keyboard. I'm probably going to need future inputs for a guitar, an electronic drum set, and an additional digital keyboard. (One keyboard with hammered action and the other with no weighting system at all.)
I've looked around and it seems like the cards that have 2 midi in ports also have a zillion other things that I don't need, so I'll probably either daisy chain my midi or get a usb midi cable and bypass my audio interface. I'm not sure what kind of inputs I'll need for the guitar or electronic drum set.
I don't understand if PCI is needed for low latency with a lot of tracks or if it's only needed for simultaneously recording a bunch of stuff at the same time. If it's only going to be useful for recording a lot at once, then I won't need it. If on the other hand, it's needed for low latency when a lot of tracks are playing and just one thing is being recorded, then I do need it.
I've also looked at audio interfaces combined into mixers. They seem to be overpriced and as I haven't used hardware mixer in the past, I don't really see the benefit. (At least not at the prices I've been seeing.)
I have been considering buying a Behringer BCF2000 just to figure out what's "so great about control surfaces" Any advice is greatly appreciated!