New Forum Layout
We will be making some changes to the forum layout in order to provide better organization and less clutter. Some current changes of note:
1) Announcements and E-store moved up top.
2) All Pyro forums have been consolidated.
3) New "Gear" section now has subforums to discuss "Hardware" (general non-Cakewalk audio hardware), "Software" (general non-Cakewalk audio software), and "Computers" (discussion focused on computer systems and hardware components).
4) A new "User" area has been created with subforums for "Songs", "Techniques", "Coffee House" (Yup! General loose music discussion - no politics, no religion!), and "Regional User Groups" (for info and discussion on end-user run Cakewalk user groups)
That's all for now. This thread will be updated with any further changes.
Lastly, moderation will be tighter as there is now a place to talk about pretty much anything that should be talked about on these forums. Please utilize the new structure. Off-topic threads will be moved to their proper home.
Thanks and enjoy!