New PRV Editing feature
So let me get this straight:
In X1b, QF 255, if I open several tracks in the PRV—‘cause it’s real handy to be able to see how the different parts fit—then click the little “Enable/Disable Track Editing” boxes on all but one track. Then they’re grey, and track editing—let’s say . . . oh, I dunno . . . Copy and paste, for example—is Dis-abled on those tracks. Then I click the little "Show/Hide Track" boxes so I only see the notes of the enabled track: You know, to make work a little easier and more efficient--save time, and all that.
I mean, that's why Cake put that function in there, right?
So then I drag along the Time Ruler to select a couple bars on the sole En-abled, un-hidden track, copy them and paste them somewhere else. And I do this several times, carefully saving each time (I save a lot, because I’ve been burned before.) Neat-o.
Until god knows how many edits and saves later, when I start making all those hidden tracks visible again, and start noticing all sorts of crazy notes on lots of different places in lots of different tracks, multiplying like yeast mold in a hot, wet breadbox.
Why? Because each time I disabled, hid, selected, copied and pasted, ALL the notes in ALL the edit-disabled and hidden tracks in that selection got pasted in there too! And I didn’t see it because I hid those track notes!!
What a wonderful feature!
Is this new, or did I just not read the user guide enough in earlier versions to understand how to do this before?
And now—especially since Sonar does not (or does it? I guess I need to spend even more time reading the manual.)—have a feature that removes notes that lie within a certain small distance from a duplicate—I get to have a delightful couple of hours finding and removing these notes, one at a time, and undoubtedly removing some of the wrong ones so all the tweaking I’ve just done over the last several hours is verschtupped.
PS. Sorry if I sound bitter. Yesterday at 3 PM I really thought this project was just a few tweaks short of ready to go. I even spent a few minutes bouncing all the clips down, just to clean things up.