New User with Mixer

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April 27, 05 10:12 PM (permalink)

New User with Mixer

I just bought this program and its kicking my ass. I am trying to run my guitar and drums though a 4 input mixer. The mixer connects to my computer through a USB input. I can hear my levels though the headphones in the mixer fine. But I am unable to record to the software. I can “arm” the tracks no problem, but when I hit record all hell brakes loose. It records for three seconds then starts looping, or doesn’t record at all, or records a half second bit. I have followed the instructions in the manual, which basically just say arm the track, then hit record I don’t know what else I am supposed to do.

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    RE: New User with Mixer April 27, 05 10:54 PM (permalink)
    Sounds like you don't have your soundcard setup properly. What soundcard do you have? What version of Home Studio, Windows. How are you connecting your equipment to the computer?

    Computer: Intel i7, ASROCK H170M, 16GB/5TB+, Windows 10 Pro 64-bit, Sonar Platinum, TASCAM US-16x08, Cakewalk UM-3G MIDI I/F
    Instruments: SL-880 Keyboard controller, Korg 05R/W, Korg N1R, KORG Wavestation EX
    Axes: Fender Stratocaster, Line6 Variax 300, Ovation Acoustic, Takamine Nylon Acoustic, Behringer GX212 amp, Shure SM-58 mic, Rode NT1 condenser mic.
    Outboard: Mackie 1402-VLZ mixer, TC Helicon VoiceLive 2, Digitech Vocalist WS EX, PODXTLive, various stompboxes and stuff. 
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    RE: New User with Mixer April 27, 05 10:57 PM (permalink)
    Right now the mixer is plugging into the front of the computer via its USB port. The whole reason I bought the mixer was to be able to just go USB into the PC. The guy at Guitar Center said the USB sends the two stereo channels into the CPU.

    Based on that set-up I didn't think the sound card mattered that much.
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    RE: New User with Mixer April 27, 05 11:09 PM (permalink)
    Still no make and model... How can I help you?

    Go to Options-Audio and see what you have installed as the record and playback device. Run the Wave Profiler. I'm shooting in the dark here...

    Computer: Intel i7, ASROCK H170M, 16GB/5TB+, Windows 10 Pro 64-bit, Sonar Platinum, TASCAM US-16x08, Cakewalk UM-3G MIDI I/F
    Instruments: SL-880 Keyboard controller, Korg 05R/W, Korg N1R, KORG Wavestation EX
    Axes: Fender Stratocaster, Line6 Variax 300, Ovation Acoustic, Takamine Nylon Acoustic, Behringer GX212 amp, Shure SM-58 mic, Rode NT1 condenser mic.
    Outboard: Mackie 1402-VLZ mixer, TC Helicon VoiceLive 2, Digitech Vocalist WS EX, PODXTLive, various stompboxes and stuff. 
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    RE: New User with Mixer April 28, 05 1:39 AM (permalink)

    ORIGINAL: jfriley

    Right now the mixer is plugging into the front of the computer via its USB port. The whole reason I bought the mixer was to be able to just go USB into the PC. The guy at Guitar Center said the USB sends the two stereo channels into the CPU.

    Based on that set-up I didn't think the sound card mattered that much.

    The sound card may or may not be a moot point for your purposes. But daveny5 is right. You don't provide enough info for anyone here to help you.

    Basically, what we need to know is: What equipment (specific brands & models!!!!) are you using? We are not mind readers here, and there is no magic formula anymore.

    Every device for computer/MIDI/USB/FireWire, etc., product has its own specific drivers & setup configurations. If you wanna learn here, give us the tools to help (complete system information).

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    RE: New User with Mixer April 28, 05 2:45 PM (permalink)
    Sorry, I'll add as much detail as I can. The computer is a Gateway P4 with a 1.3 GHZ CPU and about 128 MB of RAM. Its running Windows XP and I have Home Studio ver 2. The Mixer is an Alesis Multimix 12 USB. I read the Manual carefully, and all it says is the mixer can act as a combo mixer/soundcard when you plug it in with the USB cable.

    In the Audio options it says I have USB-Audio connected, or something like that. I'm at work now; I can check the exact message when I get home. Someone told me Cakewalk Music Creator Ver 2 was a hell of a lot easier to use. I was thinking of trying to find that, but I would like to be able to make this one work.

    To re-explain the problem, I “armed the track,” the red “R” lights up, then I hit record and the meter starts counting up like its working. After I stop it and hit play there is nothing there.
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    RE: New User with Mixer April 28, 05 3:06 PM (permalink)
    This sounds like 2 issues:
    You're not getting any audio even though the track is set to record?
    Can you see the level reading light up (just beneath the R/M/...) to the left of the track?
    Maybe you're not getting a signal to that point?

    It's stopping after a couple of seconds and messes up?
    You need A LOT more RAM in your PC. CW needs a minimum of 512mb.
    That could be the problem.
    Dell i5, 16Gb RAM, Focusrite 2i2 IO, Telecasters, P-bases, Personal Drama for a muse.
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    RE: New User with Mixer April 28, 05 3:17 PM (permalink)
    Not wishing to be a pedant, Slugbaby (but you know what's coming next...), Cakewalk's minimum required specs for HS2 are 32MB RAM and a 500MHz processor. Personally, I'd like to see such a system work, but that's what they say. I believe that some people on the forum have had HS running happily with 128Mb. More RAM is better, particularly if you want to use soft-synths and effects. I don't think that jfriley's problems are likely to be RAM related. Probably signal strength or signal path related.
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    RE: New User with Mixer April 28, 05 3:37 PM (permalink)
    My mistake. 32Mb it is.

    But without using any MIDI at all, I was still stalling with 256mb.
    Dell i5, 16Gb RAM, Focusrite 2i2 IO, Telecasters, P-bases, Personal Drama for a muse.
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    RE: New User with Mixer April 28, 05 8:45 PM (permalink)
    Cakewalk's minimum required specs for HS2 are 32MB RAM and a 500MHz processor. Personally, I'd like to see such a system work, but that's what they say.

    I suspect they're leaving out the part about how it will run if you have only 32MB RAM only if you are running Windows 98...

    Windows XP will use up 128MB all by itself, with nothing else running. It's possible to run XP with only 64MB, but even starting MS Word will tax such a system. Audio takes up a lot of memory in itself. So yes, if you have XP, you definitely want at least 512MB of RAM to run HS. You might get 256MB to work, but not very well, and not if you like to use softsynths or effect plugins.

    Too little RAM will cause the exact symptoms you are describing, jfriley.
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    RE: New User with Mixer April 28, 05 9:52 PM (permalink)

    Here’s my update. I brought the program and my new mixer upstairs to my gaming computer (with 1GHZ of ram which better be plenty). On this one, when I hit record it stays on the whole time, but there is still no audio getting from the mixer into the program. I checked the Alesis website and followed their set up instructions to the letter. I was having a problem where I could not hear any sounds (from anything, including songs in My Documents) when the USB cable was plugged in, but that cleared up after I went into the control panel and changed the sound playback device back to my soundcard and not on the mixer. The level lights are flashing on the mixer, its just getting into Cakewalk for some reason.

    (By the way, I was wrong, I have Home Studio XL, I don't know if that changes anything or not)

    Thanks again for the help
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    RE: New User with Mixer April 30, 05 11:03 AM (permalink)

    I have an Alesis 16usb mixer and it works great with HS2XL. It sounds like an input problem.
    Go to your Control Panel in XP and setup sounds and audio devices, select "USB Audio" for recording.
    Then go into Cakewalk and Select Options | Audio Options and make sure that's looking at the "USB Audio". Then create a new file with the normal template. It should create two tracks for you, 1 Midi track and 1 Audio track. (At least that's what mine does) Expand the Audio Track and setup the Input for USB Audio and the levels and panning and whatever (I'm going from memory here). Play some sounds through the mixer. You should see response from the level meters.
    Let me qualify this response. I am very new to Cakewalk and Home Studio. I'm learning tons of new stuff everyday. I bought the Alesis mixer for the same reason you did, the USB port. Currently, I'm not using the USB port. I was so blown away by learning Home Studio and my Yamaha S90 synth operation at the same time, that I removed all USB functionality (FOR THE TIME BEING) and am working with simple midi cables and audio cables. My thinking on this being that once I have MASTERED using my equpment with these interfaces that I'm already familiar with, I'll then venture into USB land and see what (if any) differences there are.

    I'm a Senior IT manager for a large telecommunications firm so I know a (little) bit about computers. I've been in the business for 25 years. I've never liked USB. In theory, it's awesome. But in everyday use, it often falls short. Much of the cooperation you get from USB seems to depend on exactly what chipset you have for your USB ports and whether you're using USB1.1 or 2.0. That's just another reason why I took USB out of the picture (FOR THE TIME BEING).
    Also, RAM is definately an issue for you. Windows XP itself doesn't like to run on as little as 128mb of ram. (It'll do it, but not well). So you can't expect Home Studio to work well either. Both should be just fine with the 1ghz of ram you're using now.

    Best of luck to you

    <end of edit>

    Hope this helps.
    post edited by jimack - April 30, 05 11:20 AM

    -- Jim

    Sonar 7 PE, P5 v2.5, 3.4Ghz P4, 2GB RAM, MAudio 2496PCI, Event TR6, PodXT, Yamaha S90, Hammond XK-C3, MAudio Axiom 61, Gibson Les Paul Custom, Gretsch 5296, Fender Strat, Larrivee D03R, Martin D12-28, Martin D16-R, etc
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    RE: New User with Mixer April 30, 05 12:06 AM (permalink)
    I use the M-Audio USB Audiophile every day...I've never had a problem with it.

    You said you're a Senior IT tech, then you said "Both should be just fine with the 1ghz of ram you're using now." HUH?

    Please be more specific.



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    RE: New User with Mixer April 30, 05 12:43 AM (permalink)
    ORIGINAL: papa2004

    I use the M-Audio USB Audiophile every day...I've never had a problem with it.

    You said you're a Senior IT tech, then you said "Both should be just fine with the 1ghz of ram you're using now." HUH?

    Please be more specific.




    I never said that USB WOULD be problematic, I merely said that IN MY EXPERIENCE with USB (which I believe I've qualified) it COULD be problematic. That's all.

    As far as being an IT Tech - I never said I was a senior IT Tech. I said I was Senior IT Manager. I was a tech years ago. Now I'm the boss of all the techs. They all report directly to me, I report to the CEO.

    As far as being more specific, I said that Windows XP itself doesn't like to run on only 128mb of RAM, so you can't expect Cakewalk to run well under XP with 128mb of RAM. With the 1ghz of RAM that he's now using BOTH (Meaning XP and Cakewalk) should be just fine. XP and Cakewalk are the only two software items I referenced in that whole paragraph. How much more specific do you want me to be?

    post edited by jimack - April 30, 05 12:45 AM

    -- Jim

    Sonar 7 PE, P5 v2.5, 3.4Ghz P4, 2GB RAM, MAudio 2496PCI, Event TR6, PodXT, Yamaha S90, Hammond XK-C3, MAudio Axiom 61, Gibson Les Paul Custom, Gretsch 5296, Fender Strat, Larrivee D03R, Martin D12-28, Martin D16-R, etc
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    RE: New User with Mixer May 01, 05 3:46 AM (permalink)
    I'm no computer "expert", maybe that's why I don't understand what "1ghz" of RAM is...



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    RE: New User with Mixer May 01, 05 10:53 AM (permalink)
    I'm no computer "expert", maybe that's why I don't understand what "1ghz" of RAM is...

    The closest binary equivalent of 1000 is 2^10, or 1024. Therefore, historically 1KB (kilobyte) has been 1024 bytes. Likewise, 1MB is 1024 KB, and 1GB is 1024MB. Therefore, 1GB is roughly 1 billion bytes. (The exact number is 1,073,741,824 bytes.)

    Since "kilo" has always meant 1000, having kilo mean 1024 for computers has caused some confusion. I've heard that there has been a new standard proposed, where 1 kilobyte = 1000 bytes, and 1 kibibyte (I'm not making this up!) = 1024 bytes, but I don't think that's caught on.
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    RE: New User with Mixer May 09, 05 10:32 PM (permalink)
    Hey all,

    Thank for the help so far. I'm not sure how I did it exactly, but now I can get it to record my first track (which is four drum mikes, mixed with my Alesis mixer, then sent to the computer via the USB cable). This leads me to my next issue: recording the second track. My band tried to play the bass lines over the drum part tonight, but we realized that there was about a half second delay from the time the bassist hit the note to when we heard it come out of the speakers on the computer. It does this weather I feed the guitar amp right into the mixer, of if I put a mic right in front of the amp. Is there a setting on Cakewalk that causes delay?
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    RE: New User with Mixer May 09, 05 10:37 PM (permalink)
    Jeeeeez, IT people can't spell! I should know, I'm one too.
    1gb and 1ghz are easily confused. Especially for management.
    Dell i5, 16Gb RAM, Focusrite 2i2 IO, Telecasters, P-bases, Personal Drama for a muse.
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    RE: New User with Mixer May 09, 05 11:11 PM (permalink)
    Its called latency. Use a mixer and monitor the signal BEFORE it goes into the soundcard and you won't have any delay.

    Computer: Intel i7, ASROCK H170M, 16GB/5TB+, Windows 10 Pro 64-bit, Sonar Platinum, TASCAM US-16x08, Cakewalk UM-3G MIDI I/F
    Instruments: SL-880 Keyboard controller, Korg 05R/W, Korg N1R, KORG Wavestation EX
    Axes: Fender Stratocaster, Line6 Variax 300, Ovation Acoustic, Takamine Nylon Acoustic, Behringer GX212 amp, Shure SM-58 mic, Rode NT1 condenser mic.
    Outboard: Mackie 1402-VLZ mixer, TC Helicon VoiceLive 2, Digitech Vocalist WS EX, PODXTLive, various stompboxes and stuff. 
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    RE: New User with Mixer May 10, 05 1:35 AM (permalink)

    ORIGINAL: Slugbaby

    Jeeeeez, IT people can't spell! I should know, I'm one too.
    1gb and 1ghz are easily confused. Especially for management.

    *LOL* Somebody finally caught on! *LOL*

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    RE: New User with Mixer May 10, 05 8:29 AM (permalink)
    "Latency." Got it. Only thing is we are using a mixer. When I listen to the sound through headphones on the mixer it sounds fine (as in real time; no latency). It’s when I arm the recording tracks, with the sound coming through the computers speakers that the latency/delay kicks in.
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    RE: New User with Mixer May 10, 05 1:28 PM (permalink)
    You can't monitor through the mixer and the soundcard at the same time. Run everything through the mixer.

    Soundcard out ---> Mixer In (use tape in or aux return bus so you can isolate the playback from the track being recorded)
    Soundcard in <--- Mixer Out

    Computer: Intel i7, ASROCK H170M, 16GB/5TB+, Windows 10 Pro 64-bit, Sonar Platinum, TASCAM US-16x08, Cakewalk UM-3G MIDI I/F
    Instruments: SL-880 Keyboard controller, Korg 05R/W, Korg N1R, KORG Wavestation EX
    Axes: Fender Stratocaster, Line6 Variax 300, Ovation Acoustic, Takamine Nylon Acoustic, Behringer GX212 amp, Shure SM-58 mic, Rode NT1 condenser mic.
    Outboard: Mackie 1402-VLZ mixer, TC Helicon VoiceLive 2, Digitech Vocalist WS EX, PODXTLive, various stompboxes and stuff. 
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    RE: New User with Mixer May 14, 05 11:42 PM (permalink)
    "Latency." Got it. Only thing is we are using a mixer. When I listen to the sound through headphones on the mixer it sounds fine (as in real time; no latency). It’s when I arm the recording tracks, with the sound coming through the computers speakers that the latency/delay kicks in.

    How do you have the computer speakers hooked up?

    Keep in mind that if you have your Alesis plugged in via USB, then it IS a soundcard, as well as a mixer. It kind of sounds like you are recording through your Alesis and playing back through your other soundcard. That's a recipe for latency.

    The solution is to not monitor through your computer speakers. In fact, don't use your other soundcard at all. Hook the control room output of your mixer to some sort of powered monitors or PA system, and use the Alesis as your output. The control room output should be identical to what you hear through the headphones.
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    RE: New User with Mixer May 28, 05 6:55 PM (permalink)

    I had the same problem. Alesis people recommend that you turn off the MONITOR button that's next to the RECORD ENABLE button on the audio or midi track. But when you do that, you no longer hear your sound on the computer, instead you hook up your headphone to the mixer's PHONE JACK and then you can hear the sound loud and clear. Then you record the first track that way.

    For the second track, there is a problem. Now you have the first track without delays, but now you want to add another track. On the Alesis web site, they say that you connect a cable from your PC's output which would be phone to your mixer's AUX RETURN or TRACK IN. I did this but it doesn't work. I tried turning up volumes, levels, gains, and nothing. I don't know if anyone else are having the same problem or not, but this Alesis mixer is like a video game, you complete a level, then comes another one. I've fixed the USB connection and the Latency problem, now there is the NO SOUND issue.

    So if anyone knows what's going on, please HELP ME OUT HERE. One more thing, my cables are working fine and I just bought them. Thank you!
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