No Time For The Broken Hearted, Remix?

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2011/01/06 22:35:10 (permalink)

No Time For The Broken Hearted, Remix?

  Honestly, since I remixed this I'm not sure if I posted it or not? The reason I say that, I've posted so many songs in the past I can't find it on the forums for a link to listen.

Whatever the case, here it is, and it's a ruff raw guitar sound, like it or not it is what it is.

No Time For The Broken Hearted

Thanks for taking the time!



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    Re:No Time For The Broken Hearted, Remix? 2011/01/06 23:06:08 (permalink)

      Honestly, since I remixed this I'm not sure if I posted it or not? The reason I say that, I've posted so many songs in the past I can't find it on the forums for a link to listen.

    Whatever the case, here it is, and it's a ruff raw guitar sound, like it or not it is what it is.

    No Time For The Broken Hearted

    Thanks for taking the time!


    NO I AM NOT! ROCKIN' ROBBY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Let's Get that Straight right now!!!!!!!!!!!!! Just because he can sing and I have always been looking for a singer doesn't mean I am him.

    Robby is a great singer an songwriter etc.... And NO I AM NOT HIM!!!!!!!!!! I'm sick of the emails!!!!!!! Please stop!!!!!!!!!

    This is another one of my script tracks, and that's how it should be taken. If you don't know what that means then you shouldn't be replying. Just my opinion.

    Either way thanks for listening!!!!!!!!!


    post edited by RockingChair - 2011/01/06 23:07:55

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    Re:No Time For The Broken Hearted, Remix? 2011/01/06 23:10:27 (permalink)

      I was smooth though wasn't I!!!!!!!!!


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    Re:No Time For The Broken Hearted, Remix? 2011/01/07 02:07:56 (permalink)
    I just listened, And I think it wrocks... 

    It needs a serious vocalist... And wordz. Good job on the hard rock Genera though, spot on.

    And P.S., I'm sorry you're getting emails about me? :-( 

    And yes, we're not the same person... :-( 

    I do think you're a good guitar player though. 

    And you have some issues to deal with, as do I... As does everyone... People who stand in judgement of others and deny their own issues are Hippocrates IMO... We "all" have issues we're either ignoring? Or that we need to deal with... "All of us..."

    Great guitar work on this one Bobby.

    P.s., Let them ask Janet if they think we're the same person? That is serious BS. I can't believe people would say that? But people voted for Barack Obama? So I guess there's no limit to people's stupidity! :-) People are stupid!! Great song title :-)
    post edited by rockinrobby - 2011/01/07 02:17:04

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    Re:No Time For The Broken Hearted, Remix? 2011/01/07 02:19:53 (permalink)
    We should get together and have a beer and take a picture and post it :-) LOL! Hard for the same person to be two different people? LOL!

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    Re:No Time For The Broken Hearted, Remix? 2011/01/07 02:48:50 (permalink)
    And if people refuse the visual results? Then "they" are the morons... :-) And I already know, that they are the morons!! LOL! People are f'***ing idiots Bobby!? People are idiots?  People are f'ing morons!! You can't be upset based on what people say?

     Because the "large" majority of people? Are f'ing morons? They are! They're idiots!!  The majority... There are exceptions? But the vast majority... Idiots... And you should not let them get to you, "because?" They are morons...
    post edited by rockinrobby - 2011/01/07 03:00:27

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    Re:No Time For The Broken Hearted, Remix? 2011/01/07 04:09:46 (permalink)


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    Re:No Time For The Broken Hearted, Remix? 2011/01/07 07:54:59 (permalink)
    That rhythm guitar!!! What are you using for an axe and what is your signal chain? This totally rocks! Great playing!

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    Re:No Time For The Broken Hearted, Remix? 2011/01/07 22:55:23 (permalink)

    I just listened, And I think it wrocks... 

    It needs a serious vocalist... And wordz. Good job on the hard rock Genera though, spot on.

    And P.S., I'm sorry you're getting emails about me? :-( 

    And yes, we're not the same person... :-( 

    I do think you're a good guitar player though. 

    And you have some issues to deal with, as do I... As does everyone... People who stand in judgement of others and deny their own issues are Hippocrates IMO... We "all" have issues we're either ignoring? Or that we need to deal with... "All of us..."

    Great guitar work on this one Bobby.

    P.s., Let them ask Janet if they think we're the same person? That is serious BS. I can't believe people would say that? But people voted for Barack Obama? So I guess there's no limit to people's stupidity! :-) People are stupid!! Great song title :-)

    It's been a given on anything I post that I get accused of being you Robby. And believe me, I know the history of people thinking you are Janet. Doesn't matter if you show them a photo or not, they'll just think you got somebody to cover for you.

    No big deal either way. I guess there comes a point where you just have to say "Let them think whatever they wont because that's what they are going to do anyway, doesn't make them bad, doesn't make you right, it just is what it is, and just move on".

    LOL, It was funny when I first joined these forums, and I see this all the time from people who get upset by reviews just starting here, they ask in emails all the time : "Is this person a mod, is that person a mod". I just laugh now, because that was so "ME" a while back.

    Heck it's just reviews, no reason to go crazy over good or bad ones ya know. I guess that's a part of the learning process also for some. It all depends on where your coming from and your life experiences I guess. Not everyone has had good experiences chatting with others over the computer, and I don't just mean the internet, I mean dial up etc.......

    Thanks for taking the time to check it out.  I still don't like the drums in this, I dunno if they work or not, I need to keep working on something until I get it right before moving on I guess, I have so many projects like this it's crazy. Oh well I get bored you might say.

    Thanks again,


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    Re:No Time For The Broken Hearted, Remix? 2011/01/07 23:04:46 (permalink)

    That rhythm guitar!!! What are you using for an axe and what is your signal chain? This totally rocks! Great playing!

    Thanks Scotty! I can't remember, do you have the Pod Farm VST? I could send you the setup file for it if you'd like? It's actually two guitars with different sounds panned Left/Right.

    I play an old Martin Stinger SSL10, it has the 5 way switch with a double humbucker pickup and two single coil pickups. I rarely change pickups, except when playing clean sounding guitar, although I haven't done enough of it to know the proper way I just flip the switch when it sounds better, LOL, maybe that is the proper way to use that pickup switch.  It need some adjustments with the floyd rose it has badly.

    Thanks again,


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    Re:No Time For The Broken Hearted, Remix? 2011/01/07 23:23:22 (permalink)

    Hey Bobby this one rocks buddy , hope you had a great Christmas and New Year !

    Same e-mail give me a shout and lets chat , see yea ! Radio

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    Re:No Time For The Broken Hearted, Remix? 2011/01/07 23:23:22 (permalink)
    We're not the same person, I'm much more talented :-) LOL!

    And besides? I'm a singer, you're not. My style is more Eagles/Petty, and your style is more hard rock? My stuff has words, most of yours does not? What kind of a freaking moron would think we were the same person? It takes a special kind of stupid for that IMO... And? You can't fix stupid.
    post edited by rockinrobby - 2011/01/07 23:26:01

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    Re:No Time For The Broken Hearted, Remix? 2011/01/08 01:02:33 (permalink)

    We're not the same person, I'm much more talented :-) LOL!

    And besides? I'm a singer, you're not. My style is more Eagles/Petty, and your style is more hard rock? My stuff has words, most of yours does not? What kind of a freaking moron would think we were the same person? It takes a special kind of stupid for that IMO... And? You can't fix stupid.

    It's sad Robby, but there are people that think you are me, Jamesyoyo is Radio or visa versa. They think we are all the same, I don't know why. I don't really care, I just wanna clear that up right now,

    Jamesyoyo -James , Radio - James, Bobby - Rockingchair, rockingrobby - Robby, WE ARE NOT THE SAME PERSON! Also Janet is not Robby!

    Beagle is not a Moderator, nor is RobertB "Although they should be", same goes for 57Gregy and Guitarhacker and Robomusic and Albert!

    I guess somebody needed to say this once and for all in public, I guess that somebody is me.

    Nobody here is trying to manipulate you to the best of my knowledge, and nobody is trying to make you look bad.

    Any bad reviews you get here in the songs forums aren't bad "They are INFORMATIONAL and only trying to help you improve because YOU DON'T KNOW IT ALL!", Just accept that fact and you will be fine!

    Sorry for the attitude, sorry to vent, but I've seen this go on so long it's been bothersome for me.

    I guess I need to just vanish for a while, Thanks to all.

    God Bless!


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    Re:No Time For The Broken Hearted, Remix? 2011/01/08 01:11:19 (permalink)

    A Bobby hope you didn't include me in Robbie's comments , completely uncalled for if you ask me .
    I like your music but I know the feeling , hang in there buddy I'm a friend .


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    Re:No Time For The Broken Hearted, Remix? 2011/01/08 01:12:48 (permalink)
    I varnished for a while, and it was a good thing. I came back with a nice shine :-)

    The important thing to keep in mind? I know that BS from other people can be stressful? I understand this, believe me... "Filter it out..." Like excrement through the intestines? Filter it out... Some people are only happy when they are making others "unhappy?" And that's unfortunate? But it's true...  Some people will only say things to distract, and destroy.. They care not about the music? Or you... 

    Filter them out, like poo? Pass them on to where they belong? "The bottom of the outhouse." And deal with everything else. You'll be much happier. Trust me.

      For example? People like that piece of excrement,  Jonboy? He likes to  try to goad me in to confrontations? "I filter him out... As the excrement he is..." He's more in to the BS that goes on in the coffee house like some of the others here? It should be more about the music  IMO...

    And others? Who seek to incite? And attempt to start wars? Life is too short to live it in turmoil... Don't allow others to bring you down to their level... And you'll be fine, and you'll be happier.

    "People can only harm and upset you if you allow them to do so..." Like my ex? I've taken the same approach toward her, and it makes "a world of difference... " So don't allow them to do so? Ignore the ****s... (that should read ace-holes) You'll be happier. But that may be ignoring me? But if so? That's OK. It's important to be happy. People can only piss you off if you let them, don't give the Martha Faulker's the satisfaction... F them? And the horses they rode in on... That's my too scents.... 

    And if that doesn't work? :-) People can always be found on the Internet... Trust me... Even if they think they're invisible? They're not :-) I work in the core of the Internet... And "trust me". they're not invisible like they think they are :-) You can track people down.. Right to their house/apartment, anywhere in the world! LOL! I love my job!

    post edited by rockinrobby - 2011/01/08 02:04:41

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    Re:No Time For The Broken Hearted, Remix? 2011/01/08 02:21:05 (permalink)

    I varnished for a while, and it was a good thing. I came back with a nice shine :-)

    The important thing to keep in mind? I know that BS from other people can be stressful? I understand this, believe me... "Filter it out..." Like excrement through the intestines? Filter it out... Some people are only happy when they are making others "unhappy?" And that's unfortunate? But it's true...  Some people will only say things to distract, and destroy.. They care not about the music? Or you... 

    Filter them out, like poo? Pass them on to where they belong? "The bottom of the outhouse." And deal with everything else. You'll be much happier. Trust me.

     For example? People like that piece of excrement,  Jonboy? He likes to  try to goad me in to confrontations? "I filter him out... As the excrement he is..." He's more in to the BS that goes on in the coffee house like some of the others here? It should be more about the music  IMO...

    And others? Who seek to incite? And attempt to start wars? Life is too short to live it in turmoil... Don't allow others to bring you down to their level... And you'll be fine, and you'll be happier.

    "People can only harm and upset you if you allow them to do so..." Like my ex? I've taken the same approach toward her, and it makes "a world of difference... " So don't allow them to do so? Ignore the ****s... (that should read ace-holes) You'll be happier. But that may be ignoring me? But if so? That's OK. It's important to be happy. People can only piss you off if you let them, don't give the Martha Faulker's the satisfaction... F them? And the horses they rode in on... That's my too scents.... 

    And if that doesn't work? :-) People can always be found on the Internet... Trust me... Even if they think they're invisible? They're not :-) I work in the core of the Internet... And "trust me". they're not invisible like they think they are :-) You can track people down.. Right to their house/apartment, anywhere in the world! LOL! I love my job!

    Total crap Robby ! you HAVE been watching too much of TRACK ME IF YOU CAN  or Crime shows on TV .

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    Re:No Time For The Broken Hearted, Remix? 2011/01/08 02:27:50 (permalink)

    Total crap Robby ! you HAVE been watching too much of TRACK ME IF YOU CAN  or Crime shows on TV . CAREFULL YOUR DOCTOR MIGHT HAVE A CHIP PLANTED IN YOU A_ _ SO YOU CAN BE TRACKED DAY OR NIGHT !

    This is an example of someone who thinks they are invisible :-) Note the all caps text? Typical of a psycho? This guy is a prime example.. LOL! Prime example :-) Bobby, don't let psyco's like this? Or anyone else bring you down? 

    He has as much knowledge about the core of the Internet as the core of an Intel processor... In other words? "zero..."

    I try not to get involved in exchanges with Radio because he is "clearly?" Insane... Clearly. This guy needs to be institutionalized IMO...   He's F'in nuts...

    Everyone? Who thinks they are "invisible?" LOL! Please note... No one is invisible on the Internet... No one... Not our gay friend Radio? And no one else... You think you are invisible? :-) You are to 99.999% of people....  Not to me... Not to me... 
    post edited by rockinrobby - 2011/01/08 02:54:23

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    Re:No Time For The Broken Hearted, Remix? 2011/01/08 02:50:57 (permalink)

      Do yourself a favor, NOT ME, one by stopping this right now. There's no point in it.

    This is why everyone thinks we are all each other.

    Yeah it might get you views in your post, but it's not the kinda post you want to have viewed by others.

    James A.K.A. Radio - Come on man, you are going on the attack like this? I said nothing bad about you, neither did Robby, all I said was people have suggested that you were someone else and stood up for you by saying you were not. They suggested you were him and I was saying you are not. 

    Robby - Rockinrobby - Your beyond this, and you know how this can suck you in and make you forget why you were here in the first place. Just let it all go. Both of you should.

    I consider you both friends!

    And I haven't said nothing bad about anyone. Don't take this all so serious!

    This is the "SONGS" forum not the attitude forums.

    And you are right Robby, I'm exiting stage right for a little while to take care of some personal matters. It's probably the best thing for now.

    No reason to argue and fight over me basically saying "YOU ARE BOTH RIGHT".

    I don't get it, Neither of you are the other and that's all I am saying.

    I'm outa here, Maybe I'll make it back here, maybe I won't, it's be fun either way and I think nothing but good of all who I have chatted with.

    BTW: I'll be posting my next tune sometime in the 1st quarter of this year for those who are interested.

    Just kidding on that comment.

    COME ON! Have some fun, life is to short to get upset about stupid stuff = My comments.


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    Re:No Time For The Broken Hearted, Remix? 2011/01/08 02:58:11 (permalink)
    post edited by rockinrobby - 2011/01/08 03:33:12

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    Re:No Time For The Broken Hearted, Remix? 2011/01/08 02:59:22 (permalink)
    post edited by rockinrobby - 2011/01/08 03:34:55

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    Re:No Time For The Broken Hearted, Remix? 2011/01/08 03:01:29 (permalink)
    For clarification I consider this as bag, in which I keep my deuces? Therefore? A ducebag...
    post edited by rockinrobby - 2011/01/08 03:05:50

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    Re:No Time For The Broken Hearted, Remix? 2011/01/08 03:04:44 (permalink)
    post edited by rockinrobby - 2011/01/08 03:32:13

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    Re:No Time For The Broken Hearted, Remix? 2011/01/08 03:18:13 (permalink)
    This is an example of people "who should be blocked?" The sun will come up tomorrow? That's a fact? This guy is "insane?" That is a fact... This "member?" Radio? This guy is "clinically" insane...  And I'm sure, many will continue to carry on conversations with him? Even though he's clearly as mad as a hatter? I don't understand it personally... I think (personally) the man should be restrained first? And then sedidated? Really?

    post edited by rockinrobby - 2011/01/08 03:53:29

    Evil lurks here among us again... "Beware."
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    Re:No Time For The Broken Hearted, Remix? 2011/01/08 03:46:15 (permalink)
    Good riffage Bobby I love the guitar sound and the stereo spread on it is perfect.

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    Re:No Time For The Broken Hearted, Remix? 2011/01/08 04:51:24 (permalink)

    Total crap Robby ! you HAVE been watching too much of TRACK ME IF YOU CAN  or Crime shows on TV . CAREFULL YOUR DOCTOR MIGHT HAVE A CHIP PLANTED IN YOU A_ _ SO YOU CAN BE TRACKED DAY OR NIGHT !

    This is an example of someone who thinks they are invisible :-) Note the all caps text? Typical of a psycho? This guy is a prime example.. LOL! Prime example :-) Bobby, don't let psyco's like this? Or anyone else bring you down? 

    He has as much knowledge about the core of the Internet as the core of an Intel processor... In other words? "zero..."

    I try not to get involved in exchanges with Radio because he is "clearly?" Insane... Clearly. This guy needs to be institutionalized IMO...   He's F'in nuts...

    Everyone? Who thinks they are "invisible?" LOL! Please note... No one is invisible on the Internet... No one... Not our gay friend Radio? And no one else... You think you are invisible? :-) You are to 99.999% of people....  Not to me... Not to me... 

    Your the GAY one A _ H  Robby ! You know that photo you posted as yourself here on this forum .
    You got that off a gay web site didn't you , I always knew you were GAY!
    Did you know GAY me have kids too , look at Elton John .

    post edited by radio - 2011/01/08 05:05:53

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    Re:No Time For The Broken Hearted, Remix? 2011/01/08 08:47:29 (permalink)


    That rhythm guitar!!! What are you using for an axe and what is your signal chain? This totally rocks! Great playing!

    Thanks Scotty! I can't remember, do you have the Pod Farm VST? I could send you the setup file for it if you'd like? It's actually two guitars with different sounds panned Left/Right.

    I play an old Martin Stinger SSL10, it has the 5 way switch with a double humbucker pickup and two single coil pickups. I rarely change pickups, except when playing clean sounding guitar, although I haven't done enough of it to know the proper way I just flip the switch when it sounds better, LOL, maybe that is the proper way to use that pickup switch.  It need some adjustments with the floyd rose it has badly.

    Thanks again,


    Thanks for the info. That is a great sound you have going on there. Keep up the great work!

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    Re:No Time For The Broken Hearted, Remix? 2011/01/09 00:59:42 (permalink)
    Slow Marching Band

    Good riffage Bobby I love the guitar sound and the stereo spread on it is perfect.


    Thanks man, I appreciate you taking the time, And I apologize for me bringing up ghost from the past like I did. I'm sorry and apologize to all!


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    Re:No Time For The Broken Hearted, Remix? 2011/01/09 01:04:20 (permalink)
    Go Falcons :-)

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    Re:No Time For The Broken Hearted, Remix? 2011/01/09 01:05:01 (permalink)



    That rhythm guitar!!! What are you using for an axe and what is your signal chain? This totally rocks! Great playing!

    Thanks Scotty! I can't remember, do you have the Pod Farm VST? I could send you the setup file for it if you'd like? It's actually two guitars with different sounds panned Left/Right.

    I play an old Martin Stinger SSL10, it has the 5 way switch with a double humbucker pickup and two single coil pickups. I rarely change pickups, except when playing clean sounding guitar, although I haven't done enough of it to know the proper way I just flip the switch when it sounds better, LOL, maybe that is the proper way to use that pickup switch.  It need some adjustments with the floyd rose it has badly.

    Thanks again,


    Thanks for the info. That is a great sound you have going on there. Keep up the great work!

    Thanks for the reply, sorry for bringing up the bad subjects like I did, this is nobody's fault but my own. No excuses.

    I'm not going to mention names here, this is all my fault, I should have known better than to beat a dead horse as they say so to speak.

    My apologies all!!!!

    I really am going to take a break, I've got to, not much of a choice.

    Whatever the case, thanks for taking the time to listen. I really do appreciate it!

    Thanks Scotty! Keep on keepin' on!!!!!!!!


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    Re:No Time For The Broken Hearted, Remix? 2011/01/09 01:16:33 (permalink)
    You play really well.   The tones really fit your style and song.   Good job!


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