Purple Rhapsody
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Oh Come All Ye Faithful (apologies in advance)
Hi, Another early Christmas track - this time a version of Oh Come All Ye Faithful. This one's a bit strange because most arrangements of OCAYF are in a major key but last year I heard a minor version by a band called Starfield which was pretty awesome so I thought I'd see what a Purple Rhapsody version in a minor key might sound like... and here it is! http://soundcloud.com/purplerhapsody/oh-come-all-ye-faithful SoundCloud seems to have muffled the bits that I'm pushing the compression on so I'll have that sorted in the next few days by pulling back the compression/limiting combination. Please feel free to criticise as much as needed... this is going to be on a formally released EP in a few weeks and I'd like to be able to correct as many perceived faults as possible! Thanks in advance for taking the time to listen. Cheers, Terry.
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Re:Oh Come All Ye Faithful (apologies in advance)
October 24, 11 4:16 PM
I really enjoyed that (minor) version quite a bit. Your piano rendition is quite nice. I especially liked the section that started at 2:20. Yes I agree the choice of chords was superb. Wow... the only nit I have is at the end..... where it breaks down to the single notes....excellent.... but....IMHO.... you need one more single note before it comes back in full force..... just one more note, should be on where the word "him" would be... then full frontal attack on "Oh".... still very nicely done.
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Re:Oh Come All Ye Faithful (apologies in advance)
October 24, 11 5:18 PM
Wow, that was cool. I agree about the end and the way all the instruments all come back in. Maybe break time in that section and bring it all back in with a tympani roll or something.
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Re:Oh Come All Ye Faithful (apologies in advance)
October 24, 11 5:38 PM
Oh Christ, not another Xmas song, I thought you said you wern't a christmas hack. Ok yes I like the dark piano playing in this, I can see tiny tim begging for his christmas supper in the snow and scrooge kicking his crutches out from underneath him screaming get a job bludger. I suppose the question that needs to be asked are you making a christmas album?, actually and this is not a slight, the two tunes that you have put up would be good muzak piped into the shopping mall. I say this because the playing is excellent and the version are much better than all the other christmas music they pipe in the shopping malls, it could be a nice earner. Peace Ben
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Re:Oh Come All Ye Faithful (apologies in advance)
October 24, 11 6:49 PM
Hey! this was really cool! Some years ago I was trying to do this in minor key with a pompous orchestral version - wanting to make a really dramatic version of this song. Never got around to go through with it. Maybe I should give it another go. I really liked the different elements coming in, starting with a classical sounding piano and just moving into this weird film score-esque soundscape. It's like something they'd play the first Christmas after the apocalypse or something - or perhaps during a battle between pirate ships. Really, really cool!!
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Re:Oh Come All Ye Faithful (apologies in advance)
October 24, 11 7:35 PM
I hear clipping in spots before the groove part. I think everything before the groove part is too loud. A lot of it is too loud. The groove part toward the end gets too loud also. I'll give a listen again tommorow when I can listen on speakers as opposed to headphones. I love the arangement. Very nice spicey chords.
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Re:Oh Come All Ye Faithful (apologies in advance)
October 24, 11 7:41 PM
What's going on with the cymbals at the end? It's like their trying to ring out and muffle at the same time. Compression problem maybe?
Notation, the original DAW. Everything else is just rote. We are who we are and no more than another. Humans, you people are crazy. Win 7 x64 X2 Intel DX58SO, Intel i7 920 2.66ghz 12gb DDR3 ASUS ATI EAH5750 650w PSU 4x WD HDs 320gb DVD, DVD RW Eleven Rack, KRK Rokit 8s and 10s sub
Purple Rhapsody
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Re:Oh Come All Ye Faithful (apologies in advance)
October 25, 11 4:40 AM
Hi, Thanks everyone for listening! @Guitarhacker - I see what you mean about the "one more single note", I'll play about with it and see if your idea works. I might need to put in an extra pause and maybe a cymbal build or timpani roll into the 'Oh' though. @Rick - yup, see above reply to Guitarhacker. I think you're spot on about the timpani roll if I decide to change it, however I am worried that it might be a bit cliched... then again, it's Christmas music - how much more cliched can you get? ;-) @Ben - Apologies! I mentioned in passing on my last post that my better half has persuaded me to try and create a Christmas EP for this Christmas... so that's why I'm posting these. There'll be one more to come... and it'll probably be Deck The Halls (once I've checked if there's a copyright issue). @ProjectM - definitely give your own track a go - I was going to do a completely pompous, completely orchestral version (probably with some EWQL choirs too) but decided I should try to do a completely different twist. I'm a little bit worried that because it starts so classical and then morphs into something completely different that it might turn a few people off (either right from the start, or when it changes) but some music should be about self-indulgence, and no more so than cover versions (otherwise, why bother!). @Guitarpima - yup, definitely a compression issue. I don't hear it on my WAV file when I play it through my home system so it's possible that Soundcloud has done something when it converted it to the SC format. I think in future I'll need to master a version specifically for uploading to SC and/or YouTube. Thanks again everyone, I really appreciate you taking the time to listen and give me feedback. Cheers, Terry.
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Re:Oh Come All Ye Faithful (apologies in advance)
October 25, 11 12:57 AM
Hi Terry, love it ! I'm hearing Satie , Ekseption, Mike Oldfield and Mussorgsky. Guitar a bit buried in the mix ? Great job. Rik
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Re:Oh Come All Ye Faithful (apologies in advance)
October 25, 11 7:40 PM
Very cool indeed. I enjoyed the entire piece. I never heard a minor version of this before.
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Re:Oh Come All Ye Faithful (apologies in advance)
October 25, 11 8:17 PM
Interesting, very nice. I recored this tune I my Christmas CD. I also like to put Christmas songs in a minor keys, so I really appreciate what you've done here. And I've done that with a number of Christmas songs, so of course I dig this. Very Powerful, as it should be. I did a minor version of We Three Kings that worked very well and I add a lot of chords and jazz changes to old standard Christmas tunes. Very well arranged and played! I like it a bunch. Daryl
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Re:Oh Come All Ye Faithful (apologies in advance)
October 25, 11 9:46 PM
Darn it, Terry! I was in the middle of mopping the floor and thought I'd just stop in here for a second and see what was going on. And I HAD to listen to this. I'll never get my work done if I keep this up. :( But, boy, am I glad I stopped by. This is incredible! I'd be rather proud of those chords, too, if I were you! This is brilliant! OK, I'm probably going crazy, so take this with a huge grain of salt, but is that guitar at 2:47 - 3:49 the teeniest bit ahead of the beat? I'm not so sure...maybe it's just that so much is going on it was messing with my mind. But it's all good stuff, mind you. If no one else hears it, please disregard this message! I LOVE the orchestra that starts at 3:40. Big and beautiful! :) I hear what Herb is saying about letting the piano play one more note at the end before the orchestra comes back in. But I see what you're trying to do, and it doesn't sound bad to me. It sorta jumps out at you, which might be what you were going for. Anyway, great job all around. I'm quite impressed.
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Re:Oh Come All Ye Faithful (apologies in advance)
October 25, 11 9:47 PM
Oh, and quit apologizing for pete's sake! When I did my Christmas album, I think I was posting Christmas tunes in March! :)
Purple Rhapsody
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Re:Oh Come All Ye Faithful (apologies in advance)
October 26, 11 3:00 PM
Wow, lots more feedback - thanks everyone! @Larry - thanks for listening, and enjoying it! There seems to be a split of opinion about the orchestra right at the very end... I'm still in two minds so it'll depend on what mood I'm in when I do the final mastering pass... @Rik - I thought you were listening to MY tune... why were you listening to Satie, Oldfield, etc? :) Seriously though, thanks for the complimentary comparisons! The guitar is intentionally down in the mix so that it just adds a bit of flavour - higher in the mix and it sounds out of place with the other instrumentation (although someone with mastering skills better than mine could probably manage it) @Scottytunes - Cool! Glad you enjoyed it! @Daryl - glad you liked it. Is your minor We Three Kings available to listen online anywhere? @Janet - Sorry for messing up your housework timetable...! :) I deliberately had the guitar slightly ahead because I read somewhere that it can make a plodding piece of music seem a bit more active - the articlesuggested trying it with one of the lead instruments or on every 2nd and 4th beat of the drum rhythm... I'm not sure myself and might move it back to being in time again. And I'm not going to apologise for saying sorry... I'm sorry but that's just the way I am :) Cheers, Terry.
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Re:Oh Come All Ye Faithful (apologies in advance)
October 26, 11 3:37 PM
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Re:Oh Come All Ye Faithful (apologies in advance)
October 26, 11 4:15 PM
XMAS SONGS drive me nuts, before thanksgiving. seriously, just getting into scary halloween mode now.... by the time xmas actually gets here, i'll be sick to death of it!! rrrrrrr rant mode off.
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Re:Oh Come All Ye Faithful (apologies in advance)
October 26, 11 5:06 PM
OK, maybe a bit harsh, but i'll come back and listen in december.
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Re:Oh Come All Ye Faithful (apologies in advance)
October 26, 11 7:18 PM
I thought I would be sick of Christmas music the year I did my Christmas CD... but I wasn't. I do get sick of canned Christmas music in stores.