So when you want to demo something chefmike you just get an illegal copy and then use it for a couple years?
Yeah, I'm a judgemental prick.
Only Waves because they can be expensive and I didn't have an iLok at the time.
And if you read my OP you'll see that I wipe my HD and do a fresh clean install every 6 months or so.
So I don't know where you got the
"use it for a couple of years" comment.
I'd say it was 4 months tops by time I got through all their plugs.
I then did my fresh install, purchased an iLok and the Waves bundles and plugs I liked and used.
And since I now own an iLok I can demo protected plugs without spending $50 to do so.
I really don't need to defend or explain myself to you but since you're putting words into my mouth I felt the need to stuff them back down your throat.
I don't condone warez but am man enough to answer the OP's question honestly.