Helpful ReplyOpinion(s) on plugs?

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February 04, 16 4:49 PM (permalink)

Opinion(s) on plugs?

What does anyone think about plugs like Waves Mixcentric and Center?
I'm always tempted because they sound like a quick way to do remarkable things but surely you should be able to mix and master without such things?
Is anyone using them, got an opinion?
Thanks - rev
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Re: Opinion(s) on plugs? February 04, 16 5:16 PM (permalink)
I haven't used MixCentric but I've used Center. I'm not a mastering engineer but it seemed pretty handy when I've had to pretend to be one. When you have an entire project and you can basically adjust everything on every channel I don't think it adds much but when all you have is a stereo track it definitely has its uses. But like all Waves plugs, you can try it out for free and see if you like it. Never buy it at full price, wait for a special or a special on a bundle that it's in. 
Jesse G
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Re: Opinion(s) on plugs? February 04, 16 5:17 PM (permalink)
I though about buying Waves Center Yesterday because it was 29.99 for that one day only, but I realized that I didn't need it.   Yes it does a great job of Compressing the signal and it bring up & lower the sides or middle, but you can do the same without the plug.  
But if you wanted CENTER, you should have gotten it yesterday.

Jesse G. A fisher of men  <><
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Re: Opinion(s) on plugs? February 04, 16 5:49 PM (permalink)
>But if you wanted CENTER, you should have gotten it yesterday.
Not sure if I do, hence this post. I'll consider your vote to be a thumbs down simply because you can do it without. As for the price, they often have promos and the more you buy the bigger the discount. 
I was quite impressed with the Greg Wells Youtube vids demonstrating Voicentric and Mixcentric which I checked out while waiting for replies here. I wouldn't say the reverb is the greatest in Voicentric but the doubler feature is really nice, somewhat similar to the Roland Dimension D chorus.
Mixcentric can provide a bump in brightness and clarity which you can dial in to taste. I have a few murky tracks that could really benefit from such a simple tool.
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Re: Opinion(s) on plugs? February 04, 16 6:17 PM (permalink)
Greg Wells gets a piece of the action, so of course he's "very excited" about MixCentric.
I wouldn't waste my money on either of them, and not just because I've sworn off Waves products. I wouldn't bother with similar products from other vendors, either. 

All else is in doubt, so this is the truth I cling to. 

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Re: Opinion(s) on plugs? February 04, 16 6:40 PM (permalink)
I've got my problems with Waves stuff but I'd like to hear why you've sworn off them?
I forgot what you told me about that equation in your signature, is that Finnemans' thermodynamics, Dirac's quantum mechanics, the Hubble constant or just a Heizen burger with cheese? I'm uncertain...
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Re: Opinion(s) on plugs? February 04, 16 6:56 PM (permalink)
I've quite a few of the Waves plugs that emulate hardware, but the "signature" ones that combine several processes into a single plugin with a few controls mostly unappealing. I can see why people might go for them as a simpler, quicker, alternative to learning about compression, eq and doing lots of experimenting though.

Mixcentre did interest me, because it struck me as a possibly useful short-cut tool, but having demo'd it I came to the conclusion that perhaps I don't really want the "Greg Wells sound".

And if he's being "very excited" in those videos he must be among the calmest, least excitable people on the planet :-)

As has been said, never pay full price for a Waves plugin, wait for it to go on sale. Unless you've a paying client that insists on a particular Waves plugin being used on their recording and you can add the plugin price to the bill and you're sure the client is good for the money.

Many of the Waves emulation plugs I have are no better than the plugins that come with Sonar Plat or the Cakewalk developed plugs like Concrete Limiter by the way. I got them mostly for use in Logic which comes with a much weaker set of plugins. Though I do sometimes use Waves Abbey Road set (though not the mic imitations), their exciters/enhancers and side-chainable multi-band comp in Sonar.

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Re: Opinion(s) on plugs? February 04, 16 7:00 PM (permalink)
I've accumulated a number, not a great number, of Waves plugins over the past couple of years, mainly because, as tlw says, they were on sale.  Typically, a $29 dollar Waves plug comes on sale and I might grab it if it seems useful and if the review are worthy.  Just have Waves put you on their email list, and, every so often, a discounted plug comes up.

I started out with nothing and I still have most of it left...

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Re: Opinion(s) on plugs? February 04, 16 7:04 PM (permalink)
> "very excited" in those videos he must be among the calmest, least excitable people on the planet :-)
That's a crackup! I thought he had one foot in the grave and the other in clinical depression...
I got the Maserati plug for acoustic guitar and discovered that all the controls on the right side do almost nothing at all. You can swing the Color control from 0 to max and I swear it does nothing or it's so subtle that you can forget the difference in a mix. I don't really want to pay for another set of controls that don't work.
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Re: Opinion(s) on plugs? February 04, 16 7:06 PM (permalink)
>Just have Waves put you on their email list, and, every so often, a discounted plug comes up.
Yeah, but what do you think of them? 
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Re: Opinion(s) on plugs? February 04, 16 7:30 PM (permalink)
Reviews on Center tell you it's not a necessity.

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Re: Opinion(s) on plugs? February 04, 16 7:41 PM (permalink)
Where did you see the reviews, KVR? Also makes you wonder how many others are not necessary...
post edited by revnice1 - February 04, 16 7:55 PM
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Re: Opinion(s) on plugs? February 04, 16 8:50 PM (permalink)
 I don't remember but I read them after I bought it. 

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Re: Opinion(s) on plugs? February 04, 16 9:08 PM (permalink)
Bummer dude :)
And I just missed the introductory price...
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Re: Opinion(s) on plugs? February 04, 16 9:40 PM (permalink) ☄ Helpfulby Zargg71 February 05, 16 6:13 AM
I guess you may try to ask Craig Anderton how to replace those two Waves plugins with Sonar stock plugins/effect chains and you will save some real money.

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Re: Opinion(s) on plugs? February 04, 16 10:19 PM (permalink)
I'm always tempted because they sound like a quick way to do remarkable things but surely you should be able to mix and master without such things?

I suggest if you get 7-10 days trials for plug-ins.
I also used to be tempted to buy plugins - but seeing a video plugin cannot be judged fully - this is my opinion. All plug-ins are not fit for all types of songs.
Moreover, this cannot be just one magic-wand.
If I am tempted to buy a plug-in -
I wait for 3-7 days - this normally brings down the temptation and gives time for rational thinking.
I try to identify what the plug in is doing which my existing plug ins are not being able to do.
I have a list of plug ins - vsti effects I have purchased. I give a glance how many of them I haven't used  for long, or forgot, or started not liking them.
I clears my mind and let me decide better.
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Re: Opinion(s) on plugs? February 04, 16 11:14 PM (permalink)
>Just have Waves put you on their email list, and, every so often, a discounted plug comes up.
Yeah, but what do you think of them? 

Leaving aside the "signature" ranges, to my ears Waves plugins range from "that sounds really good" to "nope" via "useful in the right place at the right time". Which is pretty much like the offerings from most plugin developers. Some of the most generally useful are the kind of thing like Cakewalk already provide in tools like the excellent Channel Tools. You don't need them very often but when you do you're grateful. InPhase (and the LT version) is one such, DeBreath can come in handy. The Waves C6 multi-band compressor likewise if you want to do something complicated with side-chaining.

Some of the more "effect" type plugs are good. I like Waves' exciters, Doubler is good on the right material though sometimes a simple chorus effect does better, the REDD and T12345 consoles are fun if you like a truly old-fashioned feel sometimes. ReelADT provides instant 1960s Beatles/Small Faces/through-zero flanging.

Waves reverbs and delays are in the "don't bother" class, Cakewalk's CA-2A comp is better than the Waves version I think, and the ProChannel compressors are Waves's equals. For a different but excellent (if you like what it does) comp+eq BozDigital's 10+dB is at least as good as anything Waves makes.

Given what comes with Sonar Plat, the Waves stuff I'd personally go for are the oddball effects like ReelADT and T12345. Most of the other stuff you can do with Sonar's plugs pretty well unless you want a different tone-colour - often subtly different - rather than "something that's the same just better". Much of Waves's range really fills in gaps in what the various DAW makers provide. SonarPlat has very few gaps. I've found myself learning Logic Pro over the last 8 months or so and I was surprised at how much better SonarPlat's plugin range is than most of what comes with Logic.

Waves once upon a time had a reputation as the "top of the tree" plugin house and prices to match, rather like ProTools HD. The world has moved on since then. You really need to install trial versions of a few things and see what you make of them.

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Re: Opinion(s) on plugs? February 04, 16 11:45 PM (permalink)
You know, not to beat a dead horse, but I've heard tons and tons of compressors and eq's and the two best I've heard are the UA stuff and ....if you can believe it the...the liquid mix emulations.  If you're up for an adventure I'd try to get my hands on an old liquid mix, maybe just for fun.  Only drawback is you have to use jbridge.
post edited by eph221 - February 05, 16 0:00 PM
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Re: Opinion(s) on plugs? February 05, 16 5:15 AM (permalink)
I have a few Waves plugins that I use all the time. The Aphex Aural Exciter is one of them as well as Bass Rider. I've also been using the H series compressor and delay in my guitar chain and I like what I hear. They carry a few unique processors that I haven't seen anywhere else and the quality is very good in my opinion. Once again, if it makes you happy and inspires great music, it's a win.


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Re: Opinion(s) on plugs? February 05, 16 6:42 AM (permalink)
For 30 bucks I think Center is useful if you find yourselves working with stereo wav mixfiles a lot.
I have a rather large bundle of them (Horizon)  though I haven't WUPed. I don't use all of them but there are plenty I really do like and some I would really miss if I didn't have them:
Renaissance Vox often works magic for me. I'm aure I could dial in a CA2A and PC76 chain with some gating for a similar result but most of the time RVox just nails it in practically no time. I think I use it in virtually every project. Vocal Rider and Bass Rider are useful and time savers too. The Renaissance DeEsser and EQ are also good although I mostly use my FabFilter alternatives. I actually really like H Delay and sometimes SuperTap although the Sonitus Delay and one of the BlueTubes are pretty good too. I agree the Cakewalk CA2A is better or at least better to me than the Waves one. I would really like CLA bass which I don't have yet, I've used it and it was great. And I still find lots of use for IR1/L with its sizable library of spaces.
MondoMod and S1 stereo imager are useful too. And I've used Doppler more often than I'd have thought beforehand. 
It still seems quite popular to hate them, I don't think that's fair. Maybe it's because they've gotten a bit gimmicky with all their artist plugs. 
The things I like least from them are their emulations of hardware, but apart from ampsims I'm not a big fan of those anyway. Their utility plugs are really useful and something like RVox is still relevant after ten years and is still used lots of times on commercial records. 
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