Fred Holmes
ERA MEDIAVAL LEGENDS has a superb Hurdy Gurdy
Very nice indeed, this library with his 'Desert Winds' library would run 350.00
to get the two instruments I want though. At that price, I might bump myself up to
the 'Ethno World 5' since it gives another 8Gb on top of the 12Gb offered by him.
I noticed the EW5 uses NI K4 as their player and Edward's has their own.
Much like the Garritan.
I keep wondering if I can use a sample player other than theirs?
Garritan implies their library is imbedded.
EW5 list the Kontakt 4 as a requirement.
Edward T.'s seem to have this same imbedding.
So if I buy from different developers, it would be nice to be able
to use one player with all of them instead of having to learn multiple engines
that all do the same thing.