Out of Memory
Sonar 8.5.3 on Windows 7 64bit.
M-Audio 2626 using ASIO4ALL drivers since the m-audio drivers are worthless (BSOD city!) Only a trip to m-audio's forum clarifies this statement.
While loading a project (32 bit Sonar), If you are getting "Out of memory" errors and also Microsoft Visual C++ runtime errors, here's how I fixed my issue.
Well, after uninstalling a lot of plugins and pulling my hair out, not to mention expanding my vocabulary, it did turn out to be a plugin.
A while back in another project which had maybe two instances of auto-tune EVO running, I had increased the buffer size in auto-tunes options menu.
This option allows you to define the amount of memory the plugin sets aside to capture audio.
Well, the project that was getting these errors had over 15 instances (or more. LOL!) of auto-tune. So it was allocating additional memory for each auto-tune instance
which caused the memory errors. It was set to 5000. I changed it to 100 and all is well. Of course I had to load autotune from a new project and change the setting there.
Now my original project loads fine!
Originally, I was not sure if this was truely a memory error. I have 12GB of ram and Windows shows 7GB free.
I'm sure it has something to do with Windows 32bit paging memory. I have my virtual memory set to over 24GB.
How come Sonar did not utilize my virtual memory once it hit the 32bit memory limit?