Output Z Of MOTU Ultra lite
I'm trying to find out if it' safe to run one of the outputs of my MOTU Ultralite mk3, into a 600 ohm load. The Manual doesn't seem to tell what the output Z is. I imagine it is safe, but thought I might ask before letting out any of the precious smoke.
Intel Core(TM) i7-3770K CPU @ 3.5 GHz, 8 GB Ram, Windows 10 pro, SPLAT, CbB , Dim Pro, Rap Pro, MOTU Ultra Lite mk3, MOTU Micro Lite, dbx 266XL, Gelzybilt M2 tube mic pre, Korg DSS-1, Korg X5DR, A&H ZED14, Akai MPD24, room full of toys accumulated over a lifetime