PRV separate snap to bug (possibly)
I'm working on a new project from one of my own templates and I can't set separate snap values in the PRV to TV, or so I thought. This has had me scratching my head for a while but I think I've finally got the recipe. Can someone please confirm they see the same behaviour for me.
Open step sequencer knock up a quick beat and leave the clip somewhere in a MIDI track
Assign that track output to a Drum Map - this is the 'secret' ingredient.
Any old drum map will do.
Using the same MIDI track open the PRV somewhere away from the step sequencer clip
Set the PRV snap to to a different value to the main snap to. I'm using 32nd in PRV, whole as main, just cos it really shows the bug.
Now insert a note into the PRV.
Mine is snapping to the whole, i.e. the main snap to. Turn the main snap off and it snaps to the PRV setting.
This bug only shows itself if the output of the track is assigned to a drum map. I've spent the last hour thinking I was going crazy cos it would only do it on one track, my drum track and that's when it dawned on me it's the drum map that does it.
Can someone please confirm it for me. I'll report it anyway 'cos it's consistent for me. Thanks