Patches for VS-20 Editor

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August 17, 11 6:16 AM (permalink)

Patches for VS-20 Editor

Hi to you all, I would like to know if there are some places where i can find some patches for the VS-20 editor (especially for guitar) or, as far as you know, if i can import patches created for other Roland multieffects like ME-70, ME-50 and so on... Or maybe... How do you manage your guitar/vocal patches ? I also own a Line 6 UX2 that's very simple to use, but i prefer my VS-20, i like these Roland sounds so much... Any help would be very appreciated !

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    Re:Patches for VS-20 Editor August 23, 11 5:05 AM (permalink)
    ...mmhhh...It's seems there's no guitar players here using V-Studio 20 ;-) In the meantime, i've done a deep search over the 'net and i've found this: There are many sections related to Boss/Roland multieffects and, as far as i can see, is a matter of manual copy patches settings to V-Studio editor. I prefer the download patch/import patch approach (as for PodFarm) but, with a little patience, it's good enough to look for new sounds... And it seems there's no option to import/export patches from V-Studio editor (maybe i'm wrong... I'm a still learning...)
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    Re:Patches for VS-20 Editor August 27, 11 2:48 PM (permalink)
    Hi Mau I use the VS-20 once in a while. I use Guitar Rig 4 for the most part and some Pad Farm. Were you able to get some patches installed? If so how and which ones. I would be interested to know how you made out. Thanks John

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    Re:Patches for VS-20 Editor August 30, 11 1:15 AM (permalink)
    Hi Meno,

    What i would like to do is to expand my list of patches to be used with V-Studio 20, expecially with '60s and '70s guitar sounds; i believe that it's not possible to do this as for Line 6,  by simply downloading a file (for ex.) but, as stated in my previous post, a way to do this is by manually copy Boss/Roland multieffects settings to the V-Studio 20 editor and save them as new user presets.

    It's a little bit tricky but it works; it would be good to find just ready patches but, from what i know, it seems not possible to use V-Studio editor in this way...

    However, as you can read in a previous topic, another forum member show where to put V-Studio 20 patches, so it would be useful and interesting to share our guitar/vocal settings...
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