Piano Roll - Damper Pedal Data in the Controller Lane

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October 30, 16 7:39 PM (permalink)

Piano Roll - Damper Pedal Data in the Controller Lane

Piano Roll - Damper Pedal data in the controller lane...
Sometimes when clicking to add data manually with the Pencil tool the data is not 100% at the top of the lane (damper pedal down) or 100% at the bottom of the lane (damper pedal up). It would be great if when we click near the top or the bottom of the lane, the data would automatically snap to the top and bottom respectively. Sometimes when using the physical Damper Pedal during recording, the Damper Pedal data sometimes ends up in the center of the lane. Instead of at the top of bottom of the lane.
Since the data for the Damper Pedal is either on or off...it makes sense that the data would only be at either 100% at the top of 100% at the bottom of the lane.

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    Resort Records
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    Re: Piano Roll - Damper Pedal Data in the Controller Lane October 31, 16 2:02 AM (permalink)
    Technically, CC #64 can be used for functions other than damper pedal - called "non-standard controllers" - so it wouldn't be good to disable the full 0-127 range outright. Also, according to the MIDI Spec, values 0-63 are supposed to represent "off" while 64-127 represent "on." Zero and 127 are more typical (and intuitive) with switch controllers, but your pedal is probably operating within spec.

    All that being said, I agree 100% that editing CC data in the PRV can be frustrating. Any improvements here would be welcome.

    David Delbridge
    Resort Records Inc
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