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Re: Platinum for Mac ain't happening
2017/04/20 20:20:40
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Re: Platinum for Mac ain't happening
2017/04/20 20:51:34
bapu Kenny, it's all good in the hood. But, I ain't gonna go eph myself.
Its clear your a PC guy and you don't have a dog in the fight . Yet , I am asking you what gives you the right to go into a serious thread upstairs where Cakewalk dropped the ball on the Mac port of SONAR .... It appears to me that your participation in that thread is just to mock people that were interested in having SONAR available to them on a Mac ? FYI, I happen to be one of those people that would have wanted to use SONAR away from a PC ... Would you like it if Harrison dropped the ball w Mixbus on PC and decided to put it out only for Mac ? As far as you and me goes Pal ...I have tried my best to give you a wide berth and I have come to expect that you have your style and I have mine .... If you ever decide that you want to throw down and bang w me Sport just let me know I'm Game Kenny
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Re: Platinum for Mac ain't happening
2017/04/20 21:14:18
Kenny, We see things differently. Life's way to short to argue.
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Re: Platinum for Mac ain't happening
2017/04/20 22:34:52
☄ Helpfulby bapu 2017/04/20 22:35:17
I guess Cakewalk won't have to work on an iPhone app then.
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Re: Platinum for Mac ain't happening
2017/04/20 22:50:41
bapu Kenny, it's all good in the hood. But, I ain't gonna go eph myself.
I don't remember seeing him in this thread yet.
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Re: Platinum for Mac ain't happening
2017/04/20 22:51:54
bapu Kenny, it's all good in the hood. But, I ain't gonna go eph myself.
I don't remember seeing him in this thread yet.
Maybe that was Kenny's invitation?
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Re: Platinum for Mac ain't happening
2017/04/21 00:24:48
I'm finding it hard to work with Sonar on 2 different PC's. The thought of working across 2 platforms gives me the shakes. I don't know why folks are so stuck on the PC/Mac wars. IF I had a MAc I'd be very happy using logic Pro because it's really good and very affordable. I think the new Sonar direction sucks if you didn't grab lifetime updates. It's like buying Logic Pro every year! The features they are rolling out seem to have nothing to do with the features most people have requested and every month you have to spin the wheel to see how it will run. There's something to be said for familiarity and stability. We don't have that anymore. I think Bapu has been stomping on toes upstairs because he craves the attention and want to make the other kids cry. The only thing wrong with Apple is the folks that manage the company.
Regards, John I want to make it clear that I am an Eedjit. I have no direct, or indirect, knowledge of business, the music industry, forum threads or the meaning of life. I know about amps. WIN 10 Pro X64, I7-3770k 16 gigs, ASUS Z77 pro, AMD 7950 3 gig, Steinberg UR44, A-Pro 500, Sonar Platinum, KRK Rokit 6
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Re: Platinum for Mac ain't happening
2017/04/21 00:34:08
So we go from wondering why the wars continue to insulting someone with whom we disagree in the space of 2 paragraphs. Priceless, but funny.
 In order, then, to discover the limit of deepest tones, it is necessary not only to produce very violent agitations in the air but to give these the form of simple pendular vibrations. - Hermann von Helmholtz, predicting the role of the electric bassist in 1877.
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Re: Platinum for Mac ain't happening
2017/04/21 02:35:00
☄ Helpfulby synkrotron 2017/04/21 02:38:38
 Gosh, I don't diss Macs Kenny! They're very useful. Heck, they don't just support windows, but doors too!
Time for all of you to head over to Beyond My DAW!
The Grim
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Re: Platinum for Mac ain't happening
2017/04/21 02:39:09
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Re: Platinum for Mac ain't happening
2017/04/21 02:59:33
drewfx1 So we go from wondering why the wars continue to insulting someone with whom we disagree in the space of 2 paragraphs. Priceless, but funny. 
The Bapu is tough, I don't think it bothers him.
Regards, John I want to make it clear that I am an Eedjit. I have no direct, or indirect, knowledge of business, the music industry, forum threads or the meaning of life. I know about amps. WIN 10 Pro X64, I7-3770k 16 gigs, ASUS Z77 pro, AMD 7950 3 gig, Steinberg UR44, A-Pro 500, Sonar Platinum, KRK Rokit 6
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Re: Platinum for Mac ain't happening
2017/04/21 03:10:59
If only other peeps were as tough as our Bapsy eh? Core™i7-3820QM Quad Core Mobile Processor 2.70GHz 8MB cache | Intel HM77 Express Chipset | 16GB SAMSUNG 1600MHz SODIMM DDR3 RAM | NVIDIA GeForce GTX 675M - 2.0GB DDR5 Video RAM | 500GB Samsung 850 Pro SSD | 1TB Samsung 850 Pro SSD | Windows 10 Pro | Roland OCTA-CAPTURE | SONAR Platinum ∞ FFS| Too many VSTi's to list here | KRK KNS-8400 Headphones | Roland JP-8000 | Oberheim OB12 | Novation Nova | Gibson SG Special | PRS Studio
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Re: Platinum for Mac ain't happening
2017/04/21 03:28:21
drewfx1 So we go from wondering why the wars continue to insulting someone with whom we disagree in the space of 2 paragraphs. Priceless, but funny. 
The Bapu is tough, I don't think it bothers him.
He's tough, but he has a tender side. I know this because he has something in his plugin list called "Dream POP", and, well...
 In order, then, to discover the limit of deepest tones, it is necessary not only to produce very violent agitations in the air but to give these the form of simple pendular vibrations. - Hermann von Helmholtz, predicting the role of the electric bassist in 1877.
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Re: Platinum for Mac ain't happening
2017/04/21 04:20:03
 Gosh, I don't diss Macs Kenny! They're very useful. Heck, they don't just support windows, but doors too! 
Since you are quite the entrepreneur , Why don't you put a hinge on the top , take it on to Shark Tank and sell them on the idea that you invented a deluxe sanitary napkin disposable unit for rich people Kenny
Jeff Evans
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Re: Platinum for Mac ain't happening
2017/04/21 09:28:18
I think this might be a better spot rather than upstairs. Rain has been down here too and I am sure he understands where I am coming from. The problem here on the Sonar forum is you are getting a very one sided view of Macs. 99% of people here have been using a PC based program for a long time and they just have not come into contact with Macs at all. So they don't really know what they are talking about. They have just formed a biased opinion which is simply wrong and I mean wrong! I have been on Windows too for a long time with Sonar and now Studio One for a long time as well and it all works fine on Windows. I recently came into possession of a powerful iMac for a very good price and decided to jump at it. At first I had some issues too and found it a little hard to get used to but after a while I just fell into it so easily and now I find Sierra just a beautiful and elegant operating system. So much so that Windows feels clunky and a bit horrible to me now in fact. Studio One runs very nice on a Mac too and unlike Sonar trying to be ported over which is really not the way to go about it, Studio One has been on the Mac right from the very start. Not only has Studio One been written form the ground up but also written for the Mac ground up too and in complete tandem. All the way along. (Mixbus/32C is also probably in this situation as well) So it runs sweet and it is painless moving from one platform to the other. As Rain has correctly pointed out Logic is also a beautiful app and been written for the Mac since day one so in a way it is really designed for it. I am about to get Logic too and as I used to use it before I know how marvellous it actually is. In many ways it is way more elegant than Sonar. And far ahead in some areas too. I have not had a single issue installing and using Studio One. Installing plugins is so easy it is amazing. The thunderbolt port actually kills most things out there, end of story. Without any issues as well. Just plug in and get down to it. Seriously simple and elegant. Transferring projects between the two platforms is also painless as I do it all the time now. You don't even need the Mac Pro either. A powerful iMac runs easily as fast as my quad core PC. Macs are not going away either. They are talking of a new iMac Pro coming that will probably be in the same ballpark as the current Mac Pro. And a new Mac Pro that will be fully expandable too. And more powerful. It is likely to leap ahead of the fastest PC's out there. I love the way Macs don't boot up a mountain of programs either. They don't boot up anything in fact, just get you to the desktop. It is actually quite refreshing in this regard. No tweaking to get the computer to run music either. It all just works out of the box. They are a beautiful thing.
Specs i5-2500K 3.5 Ghz - 8 Gb RAM - Win 7 64 bit - ATI Radeon HD6900 Series - RME PCI HDSP9632 - Steinberg Midex 8 Midi interface - Faderport 8- Studio One V4 - iMac 2.5Ghz Core i5 - Sierra 10.12.6 - Focusrite Clarett thunderbolt interface Poor minds talk about people, average minds talk about events, great minds talk about ideas -Eleanor Roosevelt
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Re: Platinum for Mac ain't happening
2017/04/21 10:06:54
Hi Jeff  , I bought my wife a Mac Book Pro. It was very expensive and I could have bought her a Windows laptop, probably higher spec, for half the price. On top of that, she couldn't get to grips with getting used to the slightly different GUI, and, because I was also mainly windows based, over the years, I didn't have the patience to "get into it." My son now has it and even he has gone and installed Windows 10 on it. I think the main problem for me is, I would rather support PC than Apple... I have an iPod nano, and I love that, but that's as far as I will go with Apple stuff. As a brand, I think it is a rip off. And it has always been that way, for as long as Macs have been available. And that goes for all their phone and iPod accessories. Regarding some of the stuff going on here, and upstairs, is a backlash against some of the Mac peeps coming here and moaning about being let down. Not all the Mac users mind, I'll accept that. For those that have the funds, money no object, then fine, get a Mac. Get Logic, I've always fancied that myself and waiting in vain for a Windows "port." It's a pity about all the ongoing agro, but I think it will always be this way. But I would also like to think that some, if not most of it is light hearted banter. cheers andy Core™i7-3820QM Quad Core Mobile Processor 2.70GHz 8MB cache | Intel HM77 Express Chipset | 16GB SAMSUNG 1600MHz SODIMM DDR3 RAM | NVIDIA GeForce GTX 675M - 2.0GB DDR5 Video RAM | 500GB Samsung 850 Pro SSD | 1TB Samsung 850 Pro SSD | Windows 10 Pro | Roland OCTA-CAPTURE | SONAR Platinum ∞ FFS| Too many VSTi's to list here | KRK KNS-8400 Headphones | Roland JP-8000 | Oberheim OB12 | Novation Nova | Gibson SG Special | PRS Studio
Jeff Evans
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Re: Platinum for Mac ain't happening
2017/04/21 10:30:22
☄ Helpfulby synkrotron 2017/04/21 10:42:33
Thanks Andy. I can see the light heartedness of it believe me. I am finding it pretty funny. I agree about the cost it is over the top. I just picked up a very cheap iMac from a school at the end of a lease. It was very cheap and still fairly current too. And way powerful as well. I am not sure I would go out and buy it all new though for sure. I agree on that. Logic is well priced though.
Specs i5-2500K 3.5 Ghz - 8 Gb RAM - Win 7 64 bit - ATI Radeon HD6900 Series - RME PCI HDSP9632 - Steinberg Midex 8 Midi interface - Faderport 8- Studio One V4 - iMac 2.5Ghz Core i5 - Sierra 10.12.6 - Focusrite Clarett thunderbolt interface Poor minds talk about people, average minds talk about events, great minds talk about ideas -Eleanor Roosevelt
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Re: Platinum for Mac ain't happening
2017/04/21 13:54:47
Macs are just £2000 facebook and web browsing machines anyway. Or you can spend £5000 on a mac ro get whats equivilent to an £800 PC. Also the only thing that keeps macs alive is all their propriety software, which is also equally overpriced.
I7 6850k, Asus RV10E, 32 Gb ram, SLI GTX 980 Ti, Creative Soundblaster Z, Yamaha DGX 630, Creative Aurvana Platinum headphones.
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Re: Platinum for Mac ain't happening
2017/04/21 17:05:21
☄ Helpfulby bapu 2017/04/24 16:44:54
Hehe... Kenny thinks I have a horse!
Time for all of you to head over to Beyond My DAW!
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Re: Platinum for Mac ain't happening
2017/04/21 17:08:55
Jeff Evans The problem here on the Sonar forum is you are getting a very one sided view of Macs. 99% of people here have been using a PC based program for a long time and they just have not come into contact with Macs at all. So they don't really know what they are talking about. They have just formed a biased opinion which is simply wrong and I mean wrong!
Translation - "You guys are all ignorant twits!". Hopefully you see my point in the lighthearted way it is intended. But the truth is we're all sick of hearing how there's something wrong with us and we just don't get how great Macs are. That's one of the reason there's so much vitriol in these kinds of discussions - many of us get it, but we just don't like the Apple approach to things. At all. Realistically, there are advantages and disadvantages, both architectural and in terms of user experience, with Windows/Mac/Linux. And they each serve different functions and user bases. And they all have issues as well as advantages. But for some of us, the Apple approach is too limited and frustrating and if we found Windows didn't meet our needs we would just go with a version of Linux instead. And for those don't know why I say it's limited and frustrating, it's likely because you would just never, ever do some of things that Apple hides from the user. But some of us want to bang our heads against the wall when something we want or need isn't there in order to make something seem "cleaner" or "simpler" for users at opposite end of the spectrum from us. So just please stop telling us that there's something wrong with us because we don't appreciate how great Macs are. It's just different strokes for different folks.
 In order, then, to discover the limit of deepest tones, it is necessary not only to produce very violent agitations in the air but to give these the form of simple pendular vibrations. - Hermann von Helmholtz, predicting the role of the electric bassist in 1877.
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Re: Platinum for Mac ain't happening
2017/04/21 17:19:33
☄ Helpfulby kennywtelejazz 2017/04/21 23:48:27
I used several Macs and several PCs alongside each other for about 20 years. I'll tell you something.... They were all computers.
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Re: Platinum for Mac ain't happening
2017/04/21 20:53:34
bapu Kenny, it's all good in the hood. But, I ain't gonna go eph myself.
Its clear your a PC guy and you don't have a dog in the fight . Yet , I am asking you what gives you the right to go into a serious thread upstairs where Cakewalk dropped the ball on the Mac port of SONAR .... It appears to me that your participation in that thread is just to mock people that were interested in having SONAR available to them on a Mac ? FYI, I happen to be one of those people that would have wanted to use SONAR away from a PC ... Would you like it if Harrison dropped the ball w Mixbus on PC and decided to put it out only for Mac ? As far as you and me goes Pal ...I have tried my best to give you a wide berth and I have come to expect that you have your style and I have mine .... If you ever decide that you want to throw down and bang w me Sport just let me know I'm Game  Kenny
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Re: Platinum for Mac ain't happening
2017/04/21 22:15:19
Good decision of cakewalk, let the mac crowd believe that the best DAW is Mac based. Don´t wake up sleeping dogs.
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Re: Platinum for Mac ain't happening
2017/04/21 23:14:08
Jeff Evans The problem here on the Sonar forum is you are getting a very one sided view of Macs. 99% of people here have been using a PC based program for a long time and they just have not come into contact with Macs at all. So they don't really know what they are talking about. They have just formed a biased opinion which is simply wrong and I mean wrong!
Translation - "You guys are all ignorant twits!".  Hopefully you see my point in the lighthearted way it is intended. But the truth is we're all sick of hearing how there's something wrong with us and we just don't get how great Macs are. That's one of the reason there's so much vitriol in these kinds of discussions - many of us get it, but we just don't like the Apple approach to things. At all. Realistically, there are advantages and disadvantages, both architectural and in terms of user experience, with Windows/Mac/Linux. And they each serve different functions and user bases. And they all have issues as well as advantages. But for some of us, the Apple approach is too limited and frustrating and if we found Windows didn't meet our needs we would just go with a version of Linux instead. And for those don't know why I say it's limited and frustrating, it's likely because you would just never, ever do some of things that Apple hides from the user. But some of us want to bang our heads against the wall when something we want or need isn't there in order to make something seem "cleaner" or "simpler" for users at opposite end of the spectrum from us. So just please stop telling us that there's something wrong with us because we don't appreciate how great Macs are. It's just different strokes for different folks.
Yep. My Brother In Law likes to look down his nose at me and try to explain how I just don't get it when I don't want to pay the over inflated price to own a Macintosh. Same way that he drives his Mercedes SUV and asks me why I would not own a luxury vehicle instead of a Jeep Wrangler.
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Re: Platinum for Mac ain't happening
2017/04/21 23:52:38
craigb Hehe... Kenny thinks I have a horse!

Every time I deal with you I have to put on my cowboy boots and grab a shovel  So Yes of course I think you have a horse... Kenny
Jeff Evans
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Re: Platinum for Mac ain't happening
2017/04/22 00:53:31
I did not say Macs are elitist and provide the best OS or DAW's either. People are not reading my post correctly. I started by in fact saying that Windows all works very nicely for me. What I am tired with though is people simply saying that Macs are rubbish when in fact they are not. They are saying that because some have a single minded view that Sonar is the only and best DAW is one of those views when it is quite absurd. And translating that into only Sonar runs on Windows therefore Windows is good and Macs are no good. Even more absurd. They are rather excellent in fact. What most of you are not experiencing here is the same program that runs very well under both platforms because you have never experienced it. The idea of porting Sonar over to a Mac was rather a bit large and really not worth doing because it would have been massive exercise and it may not even have worked very well either. But for those of us that do use a program that has been written for both platforms right from the start, it does work and very well. And there are programs like Logic which really are great and do run rather well on a Mac too. Logic was a Mac program originally and was only ported over to Windows for a while anyway. I agree about the cost factor for Apple stuff for sure. It is overpriced. I was lucky to score an iMac for a very reasonable price, well below the normal cost and that was the main reason I went for it. The secret to using it though is to persist. Like I said I found it very uncomfortable and seriously annoying for a while. Most give up at this point and right it off as bad. But if you actually take the time and put the effort in what happens is it starts to become very nice to use and actually makes more sense in many ways than Windows. Like I said now Windows feels clunky to me. Many of the concepts that exist in Windows came before on the Mac. In some areas Mac is superior to use. Very sorry if I implied all were close minded. I meant some. Some here are very open minded to other DAW's and other OS systems too.
post edited by Jeff Evans - 2017/04/22 01:37:27
Specs i5-2500K 3.5 Ghz - 8 Gb RAM - Win 7 64 bit - ATI Radeon HD6900 Series - RME PCI HDSP9632 - Steinberg Midex 8 Midi interface - Faderport 8- Studio One V4 - iMac 2.5Ghz Core i5 - Sierra 10.12.6 - Focusrite Clarett thunderbolt interface Poor minds talk about people, average minds talk about events, great minds talk about ideas -Eleanor Roosevelt
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Re: Platinum for Mac ain't happening
2017/04/22 01:28:33
drewfx1 Translation - "You guys are all ignorant twits!". 
That's really not how I understood it. Not ALL of the people, not by a long shot. But there are indeed some people who clearly have no clue what they are talking about - and usually they are the most agressive ones who only regurgitate slogans (Macs suck and I hate them - though I never used one). Or, as seen earlier, some people with very constructive input, say, people suggesting that Mac users should be crucified - which, even if it is intended as a joke, doesn't really elevate the discussion. I did take part in that thread which Jeff mentioned upstairs and it wasn't too long before a few people started regurgitating propaganda - which is just as bad whether it's anti-Mac or anti-PC. But considering that this forum is dedicated to software that mostly runs on PC, the general bias tends to be anti-Mac, and, besides a few very interesting and constructive questions and exchanges, the simple mention of a preference for Mac usually bring much irrational and derogatory content. Mac or PC, whatever people want to use, really, it doesn't mean a thing to me. Unsubstantiated statements are a different thing and I feel they should be addressed.
TCB - Tea, Cats, Books...
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Re: Platinum for Mac ain't happening
2017/04/22 03:32:58
drewfx1 Translation - "You guys are all ignorant twits!". 
That's really not how I understood it. Not ALL of the people, not by a long shot.
Come on Rain, he said 99%. Of the other points you made, the one thing I would say is that I don't really think addressing "unsubstantiated statements" is worth the trouble if said statements are essentially just trolling.
 In order, then, to discover the limit of deepest tones, it is necessary not only to produce very violent agitations in the air but to give these the form of simple pendular vibrations. - Hermann von Helmholtz, predicting the role of the electric bassist in 1877.
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Re: Platinum for Mac ain't happening
2017/04/22 04:10:33
drewfx1 Translation - "You guys are all ignorant twits!". 
That's really not how I understood it. Not ALL of the people, not by a long shot.
Come on Rain, he said 99%.  Of the other points you made, the one thing I would say is that I don't really think addressing "unsubstantiated statements" is worth the trouble if said statements are essentially just trolling.
I understand what you mean - I guess I interpreted the information. Essentially, I think it is true that the majority of the users either do not work with Macs or haven't used a Mac in a long times. But I don't think that the majority of them are making outrageous claims about things they do not know. The truth is that most users don't even get involved in such debates. In fact, essentially, the arguments against Mac always boil down to the same few points - cost/value, performance, ecosystem, and a few other things, each of which is usually a matter of user preference. And these can be and have indeed been discussed rationally, from both perspective. But then there are people who seem to suffer some kind of inferiority complex platform-wise and feel that they must not only justify the validity of their tools but invalidate everything that is regarded as competition. Even though they're a lost cause, I sometimes find it entertaining to expose the issues with their arguments - or lack thereof. Just sometimes. :P
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