Please check out Our Tune "Planet X"

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2008/12/29 23:13:35 (permalink)

Please check out Our Tune "Planet X"

This is a tune from our CD project that is a slight departure from most of the more straight forward garage rock tracks we did, take a listen if you have the time and thanks


Oh yes, and Happy Holdays everyone.

Planet X - The Vonz

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    RE: Please check out Our Tune "Planet X" 2008/12/29 23:47:32 (permalink)
    Pretty wild. That bass is just RUDE! But by rude, I mean NASTY!! But by Nasty? I mean well, you know, it was cool :-)

    I liked it, but I'll offer a couple of ideas.

    1. Sounded like it may have been mastered up a bit hot? Either the final stereo mix, or whatever post processing, I hear some peaks that sound distorted on the overall mix? You may want to check the wave forms for flat parts in a couple of spots and adjust accordingly.

    2. I'm hearing a lot of room on your drum track, that may have been what you were going for, and that's cool, I may go for a bit more direct.

    3. There are parts where any given instrument may simply DOMINATE the overall mix. I'm not sure if you're compressing your master/main track. I would pay attention to how things are bused, and compressed, and sent to the master. Are you using buses? Or compression?

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    RE: Please check out Our Tune "Planet X" 2009/01/01 02:14:32 (permalink)
    Hey this is a cool tune.

    The separate elements sound cool individually but too separate to be coherent as a unit or a band if you will.

    A love the growly bass and the cheesy organ and the drums truck nicely along, the guitar sounds nice but it's cutting right into that cool vocal in places.

    There's something about this tune I really like it's just a case of getting all that disparate good stuff to blend nicely.

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    RE: Please check out Our Tune "Planet X" 2009/01/01 03:10:29 (permalink)
    Remind's me of going to Keg party's
    good memories
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    RE: Please check out Our Tune "Planet X" 2009/01/02 03:26:53 (permalink)
    Hey Everybody thanks for taking the time to listen and provide some insightful feedback and kind words.


    Definitely mixed hot, I could not say it was ever really mastered, and yes that is room you hear, I am not sure how I had it bused, probably just sent to the interface. Long story. but this was one of my my earlier recording attempts, before I started sending to the master bus, going more direct and pre-sonar midi days too LOL. Yes I love rude tones, bass, guitar, organs, all seem pretty cool when they have some raw edge. All very good insights..thanks


    Agree on the disparate nature of the tune, it started with a bass riff and we added to it from there, almost like building a "parts -caster" but it was a song LOL, was really not sure at many points if it would end up as a song at all. Some great advice, much appreciated. Glad you saw something cool in it.


    Thanks man, I still like keggers, and our tunes are often best enjoyed with a beverage or 10 or in some cases, Peyote

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