AnsweredPlease help:UVI-Workstation VST-plugin does not work (Music Creator Touch 6)

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August 26, 13 10:27 AM (permalink)

Please help:UVI-Workstation VST-plugin does not work (Music Creator Touch 6)


maybe you can help me:

I tried to add the UVIWorkstationVST.dll VST-plugin in the Music Creator Touch 6 (MCT6).

However, after adding the VST-plugin the MCT6 always tells me, that the plugin does not work with it because of either

- not having correctly installed (cannot be because I use the plugin with another DAW)
- Memory too low (no way)
- problem with write protection (can also be eliminated)
- plugin not compatible generally
My system is Windows 7 64bit. Both UVI-workstation VST-plugin and MCT6 are 32bit software.

Does anyone have the same issue or know if the UVI workstation really is not compatible with this cakewalk software. I can hardly imagine that.

Thank you very much,

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Re: Please help:UVI-Workstation VST-plugin does not work (Music Creator Touch 6) August 26, 13 12:09 AM (permalink) ☼ Best Answerby Kinf August 26, 13 12:31 AM
You have a few things that are tripping you up.
Using a 32 bit plug in a 64 bit OS generally will not work. While the main DAW will run the plugs may not.
In addition, many of the free plugs have compatibility issues. There was about a 50% chance when I picked up a free plug or VST that it would not run properly.   As a result, I now stick with the ones I spend money on, because I know they work and have support for issues and glitches.
I think there is a program that will allow you to run 32bit plugs on a 64 bit OS..... BitBridge.... IIRC is that program.

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Re: Please help:UVI-Workstation VST-plugin does not work (Music Creator Touch 6) August 26, 13 12:32 AM (permalink)
OK, thank you.
That might explain the issue. I will try this BitBridge.
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Re: Please help:UVI-Workstation VST-plugin does not work (Music Creator Touch 6) August 26, 13 3:09 PM (permalink)
There was a lot of discussion about bit bridge when the 64 bit OS and DAW software was first becoming popular.... since I had, and still run 32 bit everything, I didn't pay much attention to those threads.  You can probably find them with a search.

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Re: Please help:UVI-Workstation VST-plugin does not work (Music Creator Touch 6) August 26, 13 3:41 PM (permalink)
Running a 32bit DAW and 32bit plugins on a 64bit OS should not be a problem. In fact, running a 32bit DAW is a recommended solution for 32bit plugins that do not perform well when bridged into a 64bit DAW.
Bridging comes into play when the DAW and the plugins are different. IOW, when running a 64bit DAW a bridge is needed to run 32bit VST plugins. Cakewalk bundles a product called BitBridge which automatically runs in the background when their 64bit DAW encounters a 32bit VST plugin.  No user action is necessary, it all happens automatically. Some prefer to use a 3rd party product called jBridge instead of BitBridge. It has been reported to run some plugins better than BitBridge. One of the extra features of jBridge is that it can bridge 64bit VST plugins into a 32bit DAW.
Note: BitBridge is not part of Cakewalk's 32bit DAW products.
I wish I could help more specifically with the UVI Workstation problem but I am not familiar with the software. If the UVI Workstation runs properly in standalone mode and in another 32bit VST2 host then it should run in MC6T. A simple VST host to test with is VSTHost. The plug-in dll needs to be in the Cakewalk plug-in manager scan path. Keep in mind that since you are running a 32bit DAW and plugin that no matter how much RAM you PC has, the DAW and plugin will only use about 3GB of it.
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Re: Please help:UVI-Workstation VST-plugin does not work (Music Creator Touch 6) August 27, 13 7:58 AM (permalink)
That cleared up some misunderstanding on my part scook.... thanks.
So if the VST is having issues it is very likely note compatible with the cake DAW.  As I mentioned previously, I had encountered quite a few free VST's that were like that when I was looking for and using the free VST's on the net.
Do some searching.... Google & Bing, also see if there is a user forum for that VST or line of products..... there may be some work around solutions that people have posted in blogs of on forums or websites..... so look around a bit.
post edited by Guitarhacker - August 27, 13 8:00 AM

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Re: Please help:UVI-Workstation VST-plugin does not work (Music Creator Touch 6) August 27, 13 9:36 AM (permalink)
OK, thanks a lot for your answers.
I will try to get an answer at the UVI-forums. Maybe someone there encouters similair problems.
Best regards,
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Re: Please help:UVI-Workstation VST-plugin does not work (Music Creator Touch 6) October 02, 16 1:53 PM (permalink)
I'm trying to install the uvi workstation in my mpc. my mpc see it but will not install it. what am I doing wrong.
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Re: Please help:UVI-Workstation VST-plugin does not work (Music Creator Touch 6) October 02, 16 1:58 PM (permalink)
my system is a 64 and the UVI Workstation is 64. My mpc studio is 64. but when I try to install the UVI the MPC see it but will not install it. I had it in there before and used it in a lot of songs I made. now that the UVI is not working the songs are missing the UVI. if I can get it installed again the songs will play all the UVI Workstation parts. what can I do.
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